Little Scott with his Czech grandmother
And it is guest-post time again! This time the author’s name is Scott who grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. After several years of tedious searching Scott came to learn that his ancestors were some of the very early Bohemian immigrants to settle in Cleveland. While in 1910 Cleveland had a Czech community of about 75,000, when his ancestors came to this city they were among the first 19 Czech families there.
Now living in the Midwestern United States, Scott has written for the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library in their journal
Slovo and has been featured in the blog for the software company,
myheritage.com. He writes his own blog at
http://onwardtoourpast.blogspot.com and has a Facebook page entitled Onward To Our Past.
CZ: Autorem dnesniho clanku je Scott, ktery vyrostl v Clevelandu, Ohio. Jeho dlouholetym konickem je patrani po svych predcich. Po nekolikaletem vyzkumu se dozvedel, ze jeho pra-pra-prarodice byli jednou z prvnich 19ti rodin, ktere se v Clevelandu usadily!
O sve zkusenosti se podelil psanim clanku do casopisu Slovo, do National Czech and Slovak Museum a dnes take do Czechmate Diary. To ovsem neni vsechno – ma take svuj vlastni blog, ktery se jmenuje “Onward to our past”.
How I Got to Milevsko
I began my genealogy ‘travels’ when my son and his wife informed us that they were pregnant with our second grandchild and if it was a boy they were going to name the baby after my father, William.
Soon I ‘needed’ to know more than the history of my dad’s name. I accessed every site I could — Ancestry.com, Footnote.com, Myheritage.com, LDS, message boards at Delphi and Roots.com, etc. In my earliest readings I noted every ‘How To’ genealogy article started with the admonition to speak with elder family members for their firsthand information. Thinking I knew better and that the Internet was a powerful tool, I ignored that advice. It was not long before I became so muddled and confused by names, surnames, place names, and dates that I was on the phone to every senior member of our family. [continue reading…]
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