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Disturbing video: Floods in the Czech Republic /Znepokojujici video zaplav v Cechach

Czech Republic is suffering with floods again this spring and it’s pretty bad. The following video is comes from Frydlant, a Czech quaint (or used to be quaint?) town in the north of the Czech Republic.

CZ: Ceska Republika opet trpi vaznymi zaplavami a to vsude. Nasledujici video pochazi z Frydlantu, malebneho mestecka na severu Czech.

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2 comments… add one
  • Katkazameriky May 31, 2011, 9:49 am

    So when were these floods supposed to have been? I brought it up this weekend at a party of all Czech people, and they all said that it’s not happening. They all watch the Czech news on the internet and said that there are no floods in CZ this spring.

  • Tanja May 31, 2011, 1:47 pm

    Hi, they are all over the place, my aunt’s cottage is flooded for example. But they are not as bad as they were last year.

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