Earlier this weak died one of my favorite Czech actresses – Milena Dvorska. Her acting career began in 1954 when she was accidentally discovered by a famous Czech actor, Jan Werich. Her persona impressed Werich so much that he picked her to be a fellow actress in a famous Czech fairytale “Byl jednou jeden kral” (Once upon a time there was a king). The movie was an instant success and it did not take Milena long to say good-bye to her nursing career and devote herself to the life of acting. [continue reading…]
I wish you the merriest Christmas of all this year! Thank you for all of your support and comments. It’s been a fun ride so far :0)
CZ: Preji vam vsem ty nejhezci Vanoce na svete a mockrat dekuji za vase vlidna slova, podporu a komentovani. Bez vas by Czechmate Diary byla nuda!
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!Christmas is just around the corner so let’s review some of the most popular Czech Christmas carols and their actual words. I don’t know how about you but it is really hard for me to figure out the words just from listening to them on a CD . The angelic voices are so high that I get to catch only a few in each songs.
If you would like to purchase a CD with Czech Christmas Carols on it click here and here.
CZ: Jezisek uz skoro tuka na dvere, tak je na case zopakovat si nejake ty ceske vanocni koledy. Ja nevim jak vy, ale pro mne je hrozne tezke rozpoznat jednotliva slova poslouchanim CDcka. Ty detske hlasky jsou tak vysoke, ze vetsinou pochytim jen par slov.
Jestlize byste radi vlastnili CD s ceskymi vanocnimi koledami, muzete si je zakoupit zde.
Rolničky, rolničky (Jingle Bells)
Rolničky, rolničky, kdopak Vám dal hlas?
Kašpárek maličký nebo děda Mráz?
Rolničky, rolničky, co to zvoní v nich?
Maminčiny písničky Vánoce a smích.
Sláva už je sníh, jedem na saních,
kluci křičí, zvonek zní, jenom táta ztich.
Kouká na syna, uši napíná,
co to slyší v rolničkách, na co vzpomíná? [continue reading…]
“Save little Jesus!” , the signs declare. A bunch of demonstrators, dressed up as snowmen, were expressing their opinion toward the increasing intrusion of the big-bellied Santa and his reindeer – the all-American images of Christmas. Slogans such as “We survived Grandpa Frost (=Deda Mraz; the former USSR image of Christmas), we are going to survive Santa Claus!” or “The end of big-eyed reindeer in Czech!” made me think of couple of ironies however:
- Irony 1: The Czechs are fighting off Santa Claus as an American spirit of Christmas, meanwhile the image of Santa in America is becoming politically incorrect. Both of them are connected with the word ‘Christmas’ which has become a forbidden and offensive ‘C’ word within the last few years. So while the Czech Republic is trying to save the their image of Christmas, the Americans are fighting to save Christmas itself. [continue reading…]
Dill is one of the major spices used in the Czech cuisine. It pretty much shares the throne with parsley, caraway seeds and thyme. We make dill soups, dill gravy, dill cookies….(just kidding with the cookies!). The fancy name for dill weed is Anethum graveolens, a member of the parsley family. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean region and western Asia. The word dill comes from the old Norse word dylla, meaning to soothe or lull. It dates back in writing to about 3000 B.C., where it was mentioned in Egyptian medical texts. Czech dill soup is one of my all-time favorite dishes. It is a perfect winter meal because it is rich, creamy and nutritious – no need to have a second course after this baby :0)
CZ: Kopr spolu s petrzelkou, tymianem a kminem vladne ceske kuchyni. Delame z neho polevky, omacky, buchty (no to snad jeste ne)…..kopr je proste milacek vsech Cechu (a myslim ze i Slovaku). Nedavno jsem narazila na vyborny recept na koprovku, trosku jsem ho upravila a tady je. Sdilim s vami mou nove nalezenou kuchynskou pohadku :0) [continue reading…]
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!Daniela Lazarova from Radio Prague always digs out such interesting stuff. This time her article targeted the Museum of Records and Curiosities in Pelhrimov. We already know about fakir Petr who was planning on overcoming his past record at the museum by laying on hundreds of glass shards for 72 hours. This time the museum is exhibiting a 2 by 1,35 meters tapestry made by an amateur! This late-bloomer is a 46-year-old machine engineer from Slovakia who was unable to work for 4 years because of a work accident. Bored out of his mind, he kept watching ‘dumb’ TV channels until he came across a tapestry maker and decided to try it. He tried making Czech castles and various caricatures from the daily newspaper and then went on doing – now his life achievement – the Last Supper. This tapestry has over a million stitches and took him more than 9 years to finish. [continue reading…]
Lenka, also known as Slovak Mama, recently came out with a brilliant service-oriented website called “Postaram sa” (I wrote about it here). The English version is now available which means that it is now accessible to everyone who desires a foreign caretaker. This is what her website says:
‘Foreign Language Sitter was created to assist people who provide services in child care, senior care, pet care, housekeeping, and tutoring and who speak a foreign language. This site is for families that want their care taker to speak the same language that is spoken in their home or want to teach their child a foreign language.’
So if you are looking for a Czech/Slovak babysitter or any other caretaker check it out here!
I am not sure what to make for Christmas Eve dinner. Carp is out of the question – I have never really appreciated the billions of miniature bones you get with this fish anyway. I was thinking making a schnitzel and a potato salad or maybe a roasted chicken. What are you guys making this year? Maybe I will get inspired by your ideas!
CZ: Tak vam ani nevim, co uvarim tento rok k nasi Stedrovecerni hostine. Kapr to 100% nebude – stejne se mi nikdy nezamlouvalo tech milionu kosticek co v nich clovek najde (nebo nekdy take vubec nenajde!). Premyslela jsem o rizku s bramborovou kasi nebo pecenym kuretem. A co budete delat vy? Necham se od vas inspirovat…

It is really getting close to Christmas and most of us are getting ready for some serious Christmas-cookie-baking marathon. I myself will be baking some more of vanilla crescents (there is never enough of those guys) and some vanocka. To make it easier for you here is a complete recipe list of them:
CZ: Vanoce se blizi a s nim i neodlucitelny maraton peceni vanocniho peciva. Aby se vam lepe peklo, udelala jsem list vsech vanocnich receptu tak si ohrnte rukavy a jde se do toho!
- Rum balls/Rumove koule
- Vanocka
- Walnut Tarts/Orechove dorticky
- Linz Tarts/ Linecka kolecka
- Vanilla crescents/Vanilkove rohlicky
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
You have got to check this cow out! It’s not half Czech or anything it is just purely cool :0)) It has been suggested by its owner that this Connecticut calf is a message from God…
CZ: Toto telatko je naprosto neuveritelne! Narodilo se pred tydnem v jednom malem mestecku ve state Connecticut a jeho majitel je presvedceny, ze je to jakesi poselstvi od Boha…
Source: http://magazin.ceskenoviny.cz/zajimavosti/fotoperlicky/zpravy/svate-tele/411247
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