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Czech actress Milena Dvorska found dead / Zemrela Milena Dvorska

Milena Dvorska www.ceskenoviny.cz image Earlier this weak died one of my favorite Czech actresses – Milena Dvorska. Her acting career began in 1954 when she was accidentally discovered by a famous Czech actor, Jan Werich. Her persona impressed Werich so much that he picked her to be a fellow actress in a famous Czech fairytale “Byl jednou jeden kral” (Once upon a time there was a king). The movie was an instant success and it did not take Milena long to say good-bye to her nursing career and devote herself to the life of acting.

One deep pain in her personal life was the fact her own daughter did not contact her for 18 years. She left the country together with her partner Jan Dvorsky, a member of some religious cult who pronounced himself to be the Messiah of the world. Jan, Lucie and their 5 daughters are living in hiding.

We will miss you Milena!

CZ: V utery vecer zemrela nahlou smrti ma oblibena herecka Milena Dvorska. Kdo by si nepamatoval roli Marusky, nejmladsi a nejskromejsi kralovskou dceru z filmu Byl jednou jeden kral? Tuto roli dostala uplnou nahodou; vyhlednul si ji totiz  samotny Jan Werich, kdyz v Prostejovskem divadle hostoval s estradnim programem. Film se stal okamzitym hitem a z Mileny se stala hvezda filmoveho platna. Nebylo tedy tezke opustit zdravotnicko skolu a pustit se do herectvi na plny uvazek. Po vystudovani prazske DAMU se stala clenkou divadla E.F. Buriana. Proslavila se mimo jinych rolich take v komedii Andel na horach.

Velkou bolesti v jejim soukromem zivote se stala jeji dcera Lucie. Nevidela se s ni 18 let, od te doby co odesla z Cech se sektarem Janem Dvorskym, ktery se prohlasil za spasitele sveta a oba se s 5 dcerami skryvaji v zahranici.

Budes nam schazet, Mileno!

Source: http://magazin.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/v-utery-nahle-zesnula-herecka-milena-dvorska/413375

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5 comments… add one
  • janney December 26, 2009, 12:16 am

    Zrovna dnes jsem shledla pohadku “Byl jednou jeden kral” Byla to opravdu krasna a nadana herecka

  • Marika December 26, 2009, 9:53 am

    My parents told me yesterday, that’s pretty sad. I liked her too.

  • Tanja December 26, 2009, 11:07 am

    She was so beautiful!! The real Czech hottie :))
    Je mi ji lito kvuli te dceri – myslim,ze to bylo jeji jedine dite.

    Jinak je to opravdu smutne, jak nam ty herci naseho mladi pomalu vymiraji – jenom takova upominka, ze uz nam neni 18 😉

  • econaut@seznam.cz December 29, 2009, 8:34 am

    Jaroslav Moucka is better. By the way – do you know Bohumil Carda?

  • Dagmar Tarry November 5, 2010, 11:13 am

    Hi Tanja, I just found this.. Lucie was my classmate at primary school and we were friends.. lost touch after her first pregnancy. Milena had another child – Lucka’s much loved and wished for younger brother Jakub, who is just a month younger than my own baby brother – we were forever talking about them. Milena (or pani Dvorska for me) was always very kind to us. She was also a very good stage actress. Ale ono neni nikdy nic cernobile a clovek nemuze vedet, na ktere strane lezi pravda. Nicmene mi bylo moc lito, kdyz jsem se tuto zpravu dozvedela, nemela to v zivote lehke..

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