I have never really talked to a vegan until I met Elizabeth via this blog, who comes from the Czech Republic but currently lives in Atlanta. She loves to cook and has a really cool and practical blog on how it is to be not only a vegan but a CZECH vegan in AMERICA. You know what that means? It means that she has to be resourceful enough to create meals like Vepro, knedlo, zelo in a VEGAN way – without any animal products! Now that’s an art.
She recently wrote a post about what she misses about Czech and what she definitely does not miss about her home country. I made such list a couple of years back and I think it’s about time to revise that puppy. Anyhow, I think everyone should attempt to create similar inventory and you may be surprised about what your brain spits out!
Here is Elizabeth’s list (click here).
CZ: Poznali jste osobne nekdy nejakeho vegana? Ja jo a to diky Czechmate Diaary. Elizabeta je ceska veganka zijici v Atlante a ma blog, ktery se zameruje na veganske recepty se specializaci na ceske jidlo. Takze uvarit si nejake to vepro-knedlo-zelo po veganskym zpusobu – tomu se rika umeni!
Elizabeta napsala nedavno list, ve kterem popisuje, co ji ve Statech chybi, ale take co ji tu rozhodne nechybi (podobny pro/proti list jsem si vytvorila v minulosti take, vrele to doporucuji). Mrknete se na nej – s mnoha body budete urcite souhlasit (kliknete zde).
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