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Are you considered old or young according to the Europeans? / Jste podle Evropanu mladoch nebo staroch?

A new EU poll uncovers some surprising data. The Europeans consider themselves to be young until they reach their 42nd birthday and call themselves old when one hits the 64th year of age.

The Czechs are even more harsh: a ‘spring chicken’ is anyone under the age of 40 and an ‘old hag’  is anyone who is 60 years old and older.

The most gentle people are the Dutch when it comes to age since they think one is not old until they reach their 70th birthday (I would probably have to agree with them). The harshest of all are Slovaks who will call you an old lady at 58! Now that’s just wrong…

CZ: Nova anketa EU odhaluje velmi prekvapujici data. Evropane se pry povazuji mladymi do veku 42 let, zatimco ‘starym clovekem’ se pry osoba stane o svych 64. narozeninach. V Cechach je proznoza dokonce i depresivnejsi, tam jste mladochy do 40-ti let a starochy jiz od svych 60. let.

Nejsetrnejsimi osobami jsou Nizozemci, kteri nazyvaji starnouci osobu starnouci osobou az od 70. let. Slovaci vas naopak nazvou starenkou nebo starikem jiz ve svych 58-mi letech!!!



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8 comments… add one
  • Eva Z. January 16, 2012, 10:09 am

    Haha! Ti Slovaci! A co teda mezi 42 a 64? Ani mlada ani stara? 🙂

  • Marika January 16, 2012, 11:26 am

    LOL. In my profession I’m over the hill as soon as I hit 20, so Slovak or Czech, Hungarian or American who cares. I’m in trouble. I’m glad when people meet me in person they think I’m still in college. When “Excuse me miss!” turns to “Excuse me m’am!” that’s when you should begin to worry 😉 or when the wrinkles begin to creep up, but these days even that’s ok if you have enough fat is your ass. Phew! I sure do ;P

  • Marika January 16, 2012, 11:28 am

    Tanjko, proc ma ten panacek v ruce court summons? LOL

  • Jana January 16, 2012, 11:41 am

    Precitala som si clanok a Slovaci povazuju za stareho cloveka, ktory ma 58 rokov, Cesi vraj 60-rocneho, tak az taky velky rozdiel v nazoroch tam nie je.

  • Jana January 16, 2012, 11:43 am

    Marika, ja som bola vzdy oslovovana ma’am, aj ked som mala 21 rokov a vyzerala na 15, takze to by som nebrala ako znamku starnutia:)

  • Marika January 16, 2012, 1:36 pm

    poncek=polish for koblihy
    blintz=libance, nebo livance???

  • Marika January 16, 2012, 1:37 pm

    sorry Tanjo tohle patri jinam! prosim deletuj oba tuhle dva

  • Jamie January 21, 2012, 6:40 pm

    I knew a girl in the Czech Republic who liked to get temporary jobs and travel the world. She’d taken some very exciting trips to extremely interesting places. Once she told me about the next trip she was planning, and she said, “They say this has to be my last one.” Who? “My friends and family.” Why? “Because I’m 23 now.” So what? “Who will take me?”

    The problem was that in those days a woman there who reached 25 was considered too old to be desirable for marriage. And in her late 20s this woman actually moved to an English-speaking country because she knew that potential husbands there would not think she was “too old”.

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