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kohlrabiMost Americans are not at all familiar with kohlrabi. No, it’s not the second most common Jewish name or some new kid’s card game. It is a vegetable which the Czechs and Slovaks are very fond of. In fact, we are so fond of it, that I am growing it in my garden! Granted, half of them got pulled down by those damn gofers but the other half ended up in our bellies (including our guinea pig).

I strongly suggest if you have a little space in your garden that you plant some of those seedlings so you can experience the refreshing taste of it. You can eat it raw (just peel the skin), put it in your salads for extra crunchiness, or you can cook with it. Here is a kohlrabi soup recipe that caught my attention when I was browsing the Czech cooking sites:


  • 2 big potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 kohlrabi, peeled and shredded
  • 2 big carrots, peeled and shredded
  • about 3 Tbs of sour cream (depending on your taste)
  • about 1 Tsp of caraway seeds
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil about 5 cups of water
  2. Add potatoes and seasoning in it and cook it for about 5 minutes
  3. Add the rest of the vegetables and the sour cream
  4. Cook until the potatoes are done
  5. Garnish with parsley and chives

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Czech Slovak MIss USThe Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant is on the search for the 2014 Miss Czech-Slovak US. For over 27 years the Miss Czech-Slovak US has been produce heritage ambassadors for all Czechs and Slovaks across the United States. Now, we are looking for more. The national website www.missczechslovakus.com has been

updated with the 2014 Rules and Pageant Entry Form.


The goal of the Miss Czech-Slovak US organization is to award scholarships to young woman whom are excited to preserve our wonderful traditions. The Miss Czech-Slovak US pageant is the only heritage pageant where contestants completely 100% in kroj (traditional dress). An outstanding representative is proud of her heritage and enjoys speaking about her culture. [continue reading…]

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Herz Summer / collarcitybrownstone.comMy Czech antenna has been very active in the last couple of days. First of all, you have got to read a story of the oldest known Holocaust survivor, Alice Herz-Sommer from Prague,  who passed away about a week ago at the age of 110. Amazing story (click here)!




http://sincedutch.files.wordpress.com imageAND, reading about yesterday’s 6.9 magnitude earthquake in Northern California, I could not help myself but linger above the name JANA PURSLEY, which is the geophysicist with the National Earthquake Information Center. I googled her name and – lookie here – she is Czech! Not sure if she is known in the Czech Republic since Europe is kind of earthquake free but she sure is all over the news here!









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photoWhen I got a cold or a flu as a child, these were the rules: stay in bed for at least a week, sip on a hot tea with lemon and have a scarf wrapped around your neck to keep it warm. Of course, I didn’t have a TV in my room to keep me company so I would read, play with my dolls and sleep…or stare into the white wall a lot. And I got better.


Our parents usually did not give us any aspirin to bring down the fever so when I had a really high temperature they would roll me up into a cold white sheet to cool down the body. And it worked.

I remember being prescribed antibiotics very rarely, most of the treatment was seriously just bed rest. My parents did not go as far as sticking garlic cloves in my ears when I had an ear infection but some of my friends had to endure that (and they said it worked!). [continue reading…]

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Eva Samkova won a golden medal for snowboarding

The Olympic Games 2014 were super successful not only for the Russians but also for the Czechs. The hosting nation got the biggest number of medals (33 total) which is amazing. But what is even more amazing is that the Czechs received 8 medals, which puts them on the 15th place, right behind Sweden.

  • 2 gold medals  – snowboarding and speed skating
  • 4 Silver medal – speed skating, biathlon
  • 2 Bronze medals – biathlon

If you play around with some simple statistics and calculate how many citizens of each country are there per medal you find out that the Czech Republic is on the 9th place, way above the Russians (14th place)!!! Seriously, there are way more people in Russia than in the Czech Republic….just saying.

Unfortunately, Slovakia won only one medal but it was made out of gold :).

CZ: Cesi na Olympickych Hrach v Soci opravdu zavaleli! Nejenze vyhrali 15. misto s 8 medailemi, ale kdyz se trosku pustite do lehkych statistickych prepoctu zjistite, ze v prepoctu na pocet obyvatel vlastne ziskalo 9.misto. Jelikoz Rusko ma mnohem vic obyvatel, vlastne ziskalo misto ctrnacte…..sorac!

Slovaci tentokrat vyhrali bohuzel jen jednu medajli, ale alespon byla zlata.

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/cesi-obsadili-v-soci-s-rekordni-bilanci-15-misto-v-poradi-zemi/1046999&id_seznam=

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shirley temple /deadline.com imageWhen remembering Shirley Temple Black one cannot forget that she spent way more time actually as the US ambassador than an adored movie star. Did you know she was and ambassador to the Czech Republic from 1989 to 1992? What is even more interesting is that those were the country’s most volatile times. You may say I forgot about the spring of 1968 – but guess what? She was there at that time too – this time at a conference about multiple sclerosis. Perhaps we could call her the guardian angel of Prague….

Shirley’s likeable personality attracted not only the leading dissidents like Vaclav Havel (she accompanied him on his first visit to the USA) but also the communist leaders like Gustav Husak who had been a big fan of her old movies. [continue reading…]

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lovesceneonline.com imageI love the magazine section on Radio.cz. The writers pick the quirkiest things! Like this time they found this poll that talks about expectations on a first date (which kind of goes along with my recent post called “How to be Czech and date Czech”). Are Czechs different  from other nations when it comes to a first date? What do you think?

Here are the results of the poll:

CZ: Magazin Radia Prahy zase jednou vycmuchal neco velmi zajimaveho: anketu o tom, co Cesi ocekavaji na prvnim rande!! Hodne vecem jsem se ze srdce zasmala…

Should the invitation on a first date come from the man?

70% of women agree

60% of men agree


What should the ideal place for first date be?

51% of women AND men  agree on coffee house or restaurant followed by a walk

(most Americans would have a problem with that walk ;)) [continue reading…]

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Where will you stay? / Kde budete bydlet?

Home Sweet Home appartmentsI always think about when our whole family goes back to Czech (4 people) – where will we stay? My mom’s and my dad’s place is too small so we would have to rent out a flat. I looked around and found a very reasonable priced agency called Home Sweet Home, which offers not only apartments all over the Czech Republic but also cottages for rent :)). [continue reading…]

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homolkovi / expats.cz imageIf you have enjoyed some of the other stories on the Czech nature you for sure have to read this article, written by Ricky Yates – An Anglican in Prague. In 10 simple points he tells you how to become Czech (click here for the article)!

What do you think? Did get it pretty much all? Did he miss some points?

Also, if you are if you are not Czech and dating a Czech guy, you will probably like this article on Expats.cz (click here). Again, in 10 simple steps, the author will tel you how to keep him.

See? In 20 simple steps, you get to become Czech AND you can successfully date a Czech guy!! Now that’s a successful life!

CZ: Necitite se dostatecne cesky? Zde je tahak na to, jak se stat opravdovym Cechem (napsane Anglicanem). Jste cizinka (co umi cist cesky) a chodite s ceskym bojarem? Dozvedte se, jak se s nim brzy nerozejit zde.

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Have you seen that latest news on the possible cure of pancreatic cancer? Supposedly something simple as a common cold virus is killing those cancer cells like nobody’s business.

What is interesting is that one of those important patiens that the vaccine is being tried on is named Jan Urbanick. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Maybe a Czech or Slovak name?

When you watch the Fox video on it you come to finding out that “Jan” is actually a female. But still, she must have some CS roots?! What do you think? Wouldn’t that be cool if she was one of the first cured people with this new method?

Here is the article for you to read (click here).


And here is the video for you to watch in order to get a clear picture of what this super-virus can do! [continue reading…]

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