I have seen these dogs around but I just thought they were Chihuahuas.Well, I was wrong! As one of you guys informed me (thank you Lydia!) they are called the Prague Ratters and as you might have guessed correctly according to the name, this breed was originated in Czech sometime before the 10th century. Today it is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world ( 7 t0 9 inches tall and 6 to 9 lbs) and it can also be trained to use a litter box! Check out this cutie-pie’s history:
CZ: Kdyz jsem jeste zila v Cechach, tito pejsci behali vsude. Vzdycky jsem si myslela, ze jsou to cuvavy nebo miniaturni dobrmanci, ale diky jednomu z vas ted vim, ze jsem se mylila! Toto roztomile plemeno se jmenuje Prazsky krysarik a jak si jiz z jmena muzete domyslet, pochazi z Cech. Je to take jeden z nejmensich psich plemen na svete (vazi 6-9 poundu a meri 7-10 inchu), ktere chodi bezne na zachod na pisek pro kocky (litter box).
Prague Ratter History
As the breed is really so old, it is practically impossible to trace its early beginnings. However, Polish chronicler Galla Anonym wrote that Polish King Boleslav II The Brave (1058 -1080) became fond of the Ratter. He had two that came from Bohemia (the Czech lands). The chronicle says: “Not only Polish blood but also purely Slavonic blood, donated blood, circulates in the veins of our dogs”. As the king of Poland valued this gift, we can presume that it was a royal gift from prince Vladislav II. The French historian Jules Michelet mentioned in his work “Histoire de France” three ratting dogs came from the Czech lands. [continue reading…]
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