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Fishing in Czech waters might cost you a finger! / Rybareni v Cechach vas muze stat prsticek!

piranha google imageImagine getting up at 4 am somewhere in a quaint Czech village in order to get in couple of peaceful hours of fishing. And who knows, maybe you are going to be lucky enough to catch a carp or something! That’s what one of the Czech fishermen was thinking when he went fishing in a local river called  Drevnica. Boy, was he surprised when his first catch was a feisty South American piranha!! This kind of exotic fish did not get into the river by natural means; its owner must have let it lose because it probably became a nuisance in his aquarium. “Once in a while one of us (fishermen) catches a turtle that someone let lose but up to this point no one has had the pleasure catch piranha”, says the spokesman for the Otrokovice town hall.

The poor fish did not end up well, however. The fisherman who caught her also – out of the goodness of his heart – brought her home and put her in a large bucket of water. During the night piranha managed to jump out of this container and suffocated. And if that was not enough, the fisherman’s  cat ate it for dinner (or breakfast?). Let’s hope that the fish now looks at this whole thing from some fish heaven and it warms up her heart that she has become quite the celebrity.

CZ: Predstavte si, ze jste rybar v jedne malebne vesnicce na ceskem venkove. Jednoho rana si privstanete a v 4 hodiny se za sera vydate k mistni rece. Hodite navnadu do vody, a uz to s vami cuka. A co nevytahnete? 20-ti centimentovou dravou pyranu! To se totiz presne stalo jednomu Otrovickemu rybari, kdyz rybaril v rece Drevnici. Ryba se do reky samozrejme nedostala prirozene. Asi ji tam vypustil nejaky nedbaly chovatel, kteremu prekazela v akvariu. “Je to ojedinely pripad, ktery nepamatujeme. Obcas nekdo vylovi zelvu, kterou sem chovatele vypusti, piranu zatim ale jeste nikdo neulovil,”rekl mluvci otrokovicke radnice.

Ryba-zubatka ale bohuzel neskoncila dobre. Rybar si ji z dobreho srdce odvezl domu, dal ji do vanicky, ale co se nestalo. Ryba v noci z vanicky vyskocila a udusila se. Do rana ji snedla kocka. Doufejme, ze alespon chudak ryba v rybim nebi vi, ze se stala slavnou.



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7 comments… add one
  • Raffy September 8, 2009, 6:11 am

    And I thought these fish could be found only in the Amazon River. Now they found their way to Central Europe!

    By the way, where in Czech Republic is that Drevnica river found?

  • Tanja September 8, 2009, 11:05 am

    Hi Raffy,

    So the Drevnica river is in the town called Otrokovice and I found it on the map 🙂 Otrokovice lies east of Brno, very close to Zlin.
    Bottom line, the fish was a Moravian babe :))

  • Jana B September 8, 2009, 12:03 pm

    Immigrant, possibly? 😀

  • Tanja September 8, 2009, 3:55 pm

    Let’s hope that won’t be a destiny of all of the immigrants;)

  • jana September 9, 2009, 12:22 pm

    Even though it’s sad for the poor fishy the end of your story made me laugh! 😉

  • Tanja September 9, 2009, 10:01 pm

    To Jana: I am glad the story made you laugh and I am sure the fishy would be glad to…in some fish heaven…:)

  • MaryLena Anderegg September 19, 2009, 9:39 am

    Here on the Outer Banks of NC, we have our own version of the pirahna. It’s called a blue fish and though slightly larger than the pirahna, it loves to bite fishermen’s fingers. NASTY teeth. But, this story made me laugh, also.

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