there is a big chance that a similar Czech school will spring up in the San Francisco area, as it is planned for the Southern California region. And once again, those who are interested in such school, please leave your name and what part of Northern California you live at in the comment area. So far the plan is that there might be 2 locations, one in the San Francisco area and the other one int San Jose area.
Also, there is a need for the Czech language teacher, so if you have a degree in teaching and would be able to participate, let me know in the comment area as well.
PS: The newest info about this school can be found here:
CZ: Je tu velka pravdepodobnost, ze stejna Skola bez hranic vznikne take v severni Kaliforni (San Jose a/nebo San Francisko area). Tudiz jestli v tomto okoli zijete, zapiste se do komentu jako zajemce, tedy zanechte jmeno a kde presne bydlite.
Hleda se ale take jeste pani ucitelka, tedy jestli mate pedagogickou zkusenost (a titul0) a o neco takoveho zajem, napiste to do komentu.
PS: Nejnovejsi info o vyse uvedene skole muze byt nalezeno zde:
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