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Antique gypsy wagon gets a challenging facelift/ Stary cikansky vagon prodelal narocnou ‘plastickou’ operaci


Here is a wonderful article that one of the CMD readers wanted to share with us: a story of a vintage gypsy wagon from Fallbrook CA, how it got there and what kind of restoration process it underwent. However, here is the most important part of the article which is relevant to Czechmate Diary:

CZ: Jeden ze ctenaru CMD zavadil o zajimavy clanek o osudu jednoho cikanskeho vagonu z kalifornskeho Fallbrooku. Odkud se vzal, kdo ho restauroval a co s nim ted bude? Ale  uplne tu nejzajimavejsi cast clanku si muzete precist zde:

‘Part of the fascination was in the family’s connection to gypsies. Gary’s great grandfather was a Czechoslovakian immigrant who settled in Kansas. In the early 1890s when Gary’s grandfather was 3 years old, he was kicked in the leg by a horse and became gravely ill. A gypsy wagon passed by their home in the middle of the prairie and an old gypsy woman stayed behind with the family, nursing the boy back to health. “We probably wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for her,” Gary said. In a way the project honors gypsy history.

The rest of the article can be found here (click here).

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