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This is a guest post by Peter Korchnak, who writes American Robotnik. I met him via one of  the comments on Czechmate Diary and he immediately struck me as a great writer. Little did I know that he was born and raised in Slovakia and English is his second language!


Prague“I’ve been to Prague,” is the most frequent response I hear when I tell Americans I’m from Slovakia (“Where is that?” and “Czechoslovakia?” are close behind). Prague looms large in many people’s imagination, and every time I hear the sentence, I think of ‘my Prague’ and the layers upon layers of memories the city conjures.

The Velvet Prague

I visited Prague for the first time when I was 12 1/2, with my parents in the summer of 1989. Every day of that week-long stay, I experienced the peculiar feeling you get when you see places you previously only saw on TV. Trip photos show me standing up straight, alert like a good pioneer, under the statue of my new hero King Charles IV, at the opposite end of Charles Bridge, under the entrance of the St. Vitus Cathedral, in front of the polar bear exhibit at the Zoo…

In November and December that year, Prague repaid the visit when footage of the Velvet Revolution demonstrations glued me to the TV screen. As I struggled to comprehend what was going on, I learned the names of my new heroes: Václav Havel, Alexander Dubček, Karel Kryl… I tried to identify the places I’d visited the previous summer as they filled with throngs that jingled keys and chanted, “Our hands are bare!” [continue reading…]

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I have been living in this culture long enough to know that movie The Wizard of Oz to Americans is something like the Czech movie Popelka to Czechs. It is the ultimate classics.

Although I have not warmed up to that movie too much now I know I will be changing my ways. Why? One of the CMD readers sent me a link to the LA Times which had a long article about a 4’4″ dwarf-actor named Karl Slover who recently passed at the age of 93 and his most popular role was acting as one of the munchkins in The Wizzard of Oz.

So far it’s a pretty uneventful story until I tell you that  Karl Slover was born in Slovakia (former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and yes, the LA Times has that information wrong) as Karel Kosicky. [continue reading…]

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Did you know that Bill O’Reilly has a twin brother? Yes, it’s true! His name is Luis De Funes and all of the Czechs know him from a comedy movie we used to watch (at least once a year) when we were kids called “The policeman from San Tropez” (Cetnik ze San Tropez).

Am I right or am I right?



CZ: Neprijde vam, ze Bill O’Reilly ma francouzkeho dvojnika Luis de Funese? Jestlize ne, tak se poradne mrknete na tyto fotky:



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Czech Bear Paws are completely different from the American bear claws which I used to get at Starbucks sometimes. Our bear paws are part of the cookie selection which one prepares during Christmas time.

The only hurdle to make this delicatessy abroad is the cookie mold. But that hurdle was crossed when one of you guys (thanks Dagmar!) told me to use the Madeleine cookie pan. It works great but I have to admit that you get bear claws that are a big bigger then the traditional ones, probably a size of a real bear claw ;). [continue reading…]

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Here is a really nice blog about the Prague architecture (click here). What I like the most about it is that the blog is dominated by big pictures rather than  by dry lecture notes.

CZ: Pokud vas zajima prazska architektura, tento blog je pro vas jak usity. Je dominovan spise fotkami nez ucebnicovym textem a to se mi na nem libi nejvic. Proste se nudit nebudete. A jestlize jste z Prahy, tak na nem mozna najdete i foto z vasi ulice!


Even after 12 years of living in the US I still find myself having a hard time answering when people ask me how am I doing. My brain usually comes up with 10 different answers which mill around in there until they all cancel each other out and I end up with no answer. I don’t know why but that question puts such a pressure on me!

Should I just simply say ‘good’ but then what face expression do you use with that? Do you add a tiny bit of sigh to it to let that other person know that you are not completely good (but then that is the negative Czech side coming out in me) or should you just give them a huge grin with it so that there is no doubt that you are doing ‘good’ and then they hopefully leave you alone? [continue reading…]

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As many of you are witnessing first hand, the East Coast is covered in snow. A lot of people were left without power for hours, broken trees and branches destroyed numerous homes and caused serious car accidents.

But we Californians take our winter seriously too. As soon as the temperatures hit below 70 we put our hats and scarfs on, slurp on our extra hot Lattes from Starbucks and about 91% of the California female population puts on Ugg boots. [continue reading…]

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One of you, dear readers, recommended a very good, Czech/Slovak-related article from yesterday’s Chicago Tribune. The writer is married to a wife who has a Czech dad and a Slovak mom. He tributes her frugal, anti-credit card qualities to her CS roots. Read up about it right here (click here).

Do you think her frugality is still typical in the Czech/Slovak families? Are people against credit cards?

CZ: Jeden z Czechmate Diary ctenaru objevil (nebo spise objevila) moc hezky clanek z vcerejsich Chicago Tribune o ceske/slovenske setrive nature (clanek si prectete zde – klikntete zde).

Myslite si, ze tento protikreditkartovy (slovo?) postoj je stale jeste u ceskych rodin typicky?

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If you thought you have been everywhere in the Czech Republic, think twice. Or rather look at these pictures and make mental notes which places you have yet to visit. They are beautiful.

CZ: Krasne fotky Ceske Republiky! Vsadim se, ze jste nebyli vsude!

Ta Nase Zeme Ceska 1 (click here)

(by Herbert Novotny)

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A new and unique gallery has opened in a historically very important Czech town called Terezin. The gallery is called  ‘Kristalovy Dotek’ (The Crystal Touch) and the Czech minister of defense went as far as to comparing it to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. What exactly is it? It exhibits the hand imprints of famous people, but the hands are imprinted into the Czech crystal glass. How fancy is that?! [continue reading…]

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