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New exciting place to visit the next time you go to CR: The Crystal Touch gallery / Pri pristim vylete do Cech se nezapomente podivat do galerie Kristaloveho Doteku

A new and unique gallery has opened in a historically very important Czech town called Terezin. The gallery is called  ‘Kristalovy Dotek’ (The Crystal Touch) and the Czech minister of defense went as far as to comparing it to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. What exactly is it? It exhibits the hand imprints of famous people, but the hands are imprinted into the Czech crystal glass. How fancy is that?! Well, the living celebrities don’t actually bury their hands into a burning raw piece of glass (I don’t think they would go for that no matter how badly they would want their hand-prints to be immortalized), they put the hand in a soft material, from which a plaster cast is made. Then they take this plaster imitation of a celebrity hand and press it into a hot glass (ouch!).

Which hand imprints have been already immortalized in this way? Let’s start with Vaclav Havel, Nicholas Winton, a famous Czech hockey player Jaromir Jagr, Czech-American tennis player Ivan Lendl, Czech soccer player Josef Masopust, one of the members of Beatles – Ringo Starr…and the list goes on. But wait, I have to mention one more hand that is part of the exposition: the famous Czech gorilla Richard’s hand from the Prague ZOO!

CZ: Nova galerie Kristalovy dotek v nove rekonstruovanych prostorach terezinske pevnosti, byla nedavno prirovnana ministrem obrany Alexandrem Vondrou k hollywoodskemu chodniku slavy. Jde totiz o vystavu otisku dlani slavnych vyrobene z KRISTALOVEHO SKLA! Jiz z nej byly odlyty otisky ruky Vaclava Havla, Nicholase Wintona, hokejisty Jaromira Jagra, ale i goriliho samce Richarda z prazske ZOO.

Pri vyrobe techto otisku se dlan nejdriv otiskne do mekke hmoty zahrate ve vode, ze ktere se pak vyrobi sadrovy odlitek. Ten se potom otiskne do horouciho skla. “Tato prace je otazkou kristaloveho mistrovskeho fortelu a hlavne alchymie teplot a doby, po kterou dilo v peci vznika”, vysvetluje majitel galerie Jan Hunat.

Mezi dalsi otisky take patri ruka kambodzskeho krale, byvaleho clena Beatles pana Ringo Starr, tenisty Ivana Lendla, ceskeho fotbalisty Josefa Masopusta, sachoveho velmistra Anatolije Karpova nebo herce Bolka Polivky (ten opravdu nechybi nikde;)) a dalsich.

Source: http://magazin.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/galerie-vystavuje-otisky-dlani-slavnych-vyrobene-z-kristalu/700448

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