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Shrek beat Popelka / Shrek porazil Popelku

Shrek / www.ceskenoviny.cz imageOn Christmas Eve the most popular movie in the Czech Republic became Shrek! 1,8 million of Czechs (45% TV viewers) decided to betray the all-time Christmas classics such as Popelka or Mrazik (a super-popular Russian winter fairytale) and watched Shrek…I can’t believe it! I guess the times in the Czech Republic are really changing…

  • 2nd place: “Would you like to dance” (Richard Gere movie)
  • 3rd place: “Popelka” 🙁

Whatever happened to Mrazik???

CZ: Nejsledovanejsim stedrovecernim poradem v Ceske republice byl americky animovany film Shrek. Celych 1,8 milionu Cechu (45% divaku) se rozhodlo ztravit nejvyznamejsi svatek v roce – ne s Popelkou, ne s Mrazikem – ale se Shrekem! Zradci… Popelka byla ale Shrekovi v hned v patach, na kterou se divalo 42% divaku. To ale neznamena, ze byla na druhem miste. Toto misto bylo obsazeno americkou romatickou komedii s Richardem Gerem nazyvanou “Smim prosit” (43% divaku). No, a chudak Mrazik se tyto vanoce ani neumistil…:(

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/magazin/film/index_view.php?id=288515

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2 comments… add one
  • Ludmila December 30, 2007, 7:08 am

    There is no need to be suprised,Czechs love to copy the western world and are betraying the Czech heritage every way they can.Just look into any magazines,they are even trying to sound more english,saying things like “zafixovat,sopovat,garance cen” and so on.It is very sad.Soon even Jezisek will be pushed out to be replaced by glorious Santa Claus… what more can I say?

  • Tanja December 30, 2007, 5:24 pm

    Hi Ludmila/Ahoj Ludmilo,
    I know that is sad. I think that lot of American “replacements” do tend to be cheaper, more practical…just better in many ways. But what does one do so that the American culture doesn’t take completely over the Czech traditions (like Jesizek!!)? It’s up to the Czechs to make sure that doesn’t happen…That’s why I created a new Category in this blog called “Czech traditions”! That should be a little booster to the Czech heritage, don’t you think?

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