I found this wonderful recipe on Facebook so whoever posted it – thank you! Pribinacek is a name of a Czech yogurt which every Czech (and Slovak) soul grew up on; it has an unforgettable WONDERFUL, unique taste and it is absolutely irreplaceable. The only thing that I found remotely close in taste is the Trade Joe’s yogurt, which is called Vanilla & Cream.
Here is the recipe in English (the picture has it already in Slovak language):
- 500 g of Farmer’s cheese
- 1/2 liter of heavy whipping cream
- 4 vanilla sugars (2 – 4 Tbs of vanilla extract)
- 1/2 cup of sugar (if you have not used vanilla sugar)
- 3 Tbs of sugar (if you have used vanilla sugar)
- Put Farmers cheese, heavy whipping cream, and sugar to a big bowl
- Use electronic mixer and whip the mixture until it thickens (it takes only a few minutes)
- Done!
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