As I told you some time ago, my older daughter Hahna has been a part of one of the Czech schools Without Borders (non- profit organizations) here in USA. Since then my younger daughter Ava is not so young anymore and is eager to join her sister! Well, I am not sure if it is going to happen since the tuition for both of them is over $1,000 (the cost per hour is $10 but since they both have 1,5 hours of teaching a week it adds up).
There is a hope however. If I raise any financial gift for our Czech school, then half of it goes to the tuition of my daughters. That is why I am asking you guys, the Czechmate Diary fans, to donate any sum to our Czech School. You can kindly send checks to the following address (with attention to ‘Czechmate Diary’ so they know who to give credit to):
Czech School San Diego, P.O. BOX 7233, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Or you can just donate money personally to me and you can trust me that I will use it toward my daughters’ Czech education only – you have my word!
Either way, any donated sum over $50.00 will get a personalized thank you note (either by the school or by my girls).
Thanks so much!
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