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A couple of people have asked me to write a post on positive aspects of Czech personality. One Czech lady, for example, was very upset when her Irish husband was searching on the web about the good attributes of the Irish, yet when he did the same thing for the Czechs nothing came up. Well, it is time to change the Google prospective on us!

Although we do have many negative attributes, they are well balanced by the positive ones. Well, most of the time….


1. We don’t wear pink glasses. We don’t walk on clouds. We are REALISTS (and,well, the negative comments sometimes come with it). Have you seen any Czech person buying a lottery ticket? That’s because we honor the fact that 99.9999999% of the time that person does not win. It is a waist of money.

2. We are honest (and yes, the negative comments sometimes come with it). If we get asked an opinion, we just say it. An exception would be woman’s hair. If we get asked about what we think of someone’s hair, and even though it looks horrible, we will most likely lie. We are not that evil.

3. We are strict with our children. That is how we were raised and that is what we like. We hate brats.

4. We are street smart. We were raised in rough times, which taught us to be resourceful and think twice about stuff.

5. We are good cooks. Our moms and grandmas had to cook everything from scratch, we had to help them as kids and that is why we know how to move smoothly in the kitchen.

6. We are frugal. Almost to the point of being cheap. If there is a deal in town we will be the first ones in line to get it.

7. We are athletic. The Czechs love to spend their energy in nature. Whether it is by swimming in a local pond, or skiing or hiking, we love to sweat in the presence of nature. That is why we have so many great athletes! Practice makes perfect.

8. We are hard workers. We like to get the job done quick and right. Forget the 6 office assistants in one office. How about you fire the five and keep the most capable one (possibly with a Czech heritage).

9. We make good best friends. You need a best friend? Search through the Czech community.People may give you the cold shoulder at first but once they warm up and get to know you more, they will be there if you need help. Just don’t ask them if they like your hair because they may just tell you the truth!

10. We have golden hands. We can fix just about anything. Don’t believe me? There is even a Czech saying about it: “Cesi maji zlate rucicky”.

CZ: Je na case, abychom Google dali nejake pozitivni informace o ceske nature. Ja jsem prisla s 10ti body, ale jestli vas napaden neco jineho, dejte vedet! Bodu muzemem mit treba milion!

1. Jsme realiste

2. Jsme pravdomluvni

3. Jsme prisni na nase deti

4. Jsme chytri (v poulicnim stylu 😉

5. Jsme vyborni kuchari

6. Jsme setrni/skromni

7. Mame sportovniho ducha

8. Jsme drici

9. Jsme dobrymi nejlepsimi kamarady

10. Mame zlate rucicky










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babicka_1971According to a recent poll the role of a classic Czech grandma, who sees her meaning of life in an unconditional care for her grandchildren, is gone in a not-so-distant past.

When we were little most grandmas were basically slaves; but  the happy kind,  the part-of-the-family kind of slaves.The parents had to work, and  the Communist after-school program was considered only if there was no grandma available. So, babicka would pick children up from school, drop them off at the ballet or a piano class, wait until it is over and walk them back home (most of them did not have a driving license). Since a lot of grandmas lived with the immediate family, they would also make lunches and sometimes even dinner….and clean up and fold the laundry.

[continue reading…]

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prague-zooI think we did pretty good if the TripAdvisor is rating the Prague ZOO as the 7th best in the world! The first place is taken by the Nebraska ZOO (!!), the second place is none other than the San Diego ZOO, and the third place went to the Spanish ZOO in Puerto de la Cruz.

The last time I went to the Prague ZOO was about 25 years ago so it’s about time to revisit that place. I bet I would not recognize it anymore! Of course, it is hard to please someone who lives in Southern California and goes to Seaworld and the San Diego Zoo on a regular basis ;).


CZ: Juhuu!! Prazska zologicka zahrada vyhrala podle TripAdvisora cestne 7. misto z celeho sveta! Tomu rikam pocta! Uz jsem tam par desitek let nebyla, tak je na case se podivat, jak ji vylepsili. Samozrejme, ze pro nekoho, kdo ma San Diego ZOO a Sea World temer za rohem, to bude asi strasna nuda ;).

Source: http://www.novinky.cz/domaci/344324-prazska-zoo-byla-vyhlasena-sedmou-nejlepsi-na-svete.html

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http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-image31629016OK, so I have never seen America being so smitten by anything like this! Everyone talks about it, you hear it and see it everywhere! It’s blue and it’s cold. Do you know what am I talking about? Because if you don’t, you have been living under a rock!

Yes, yes, it is the movie Frozen:).

In a few days it will be Hahna’s 7th birthday and, of course, she wants her party to be Frozen style. I wanted to buy her Frozen Elsa Barbie….but it is sold out everywhere…at the store, on-line, in Space…simply sold out.

I went to Party City to get some Frozen themed party supplies and the particular aisle was just a single hair from being completely bare. When I was leaving through the entrance door (quite ticked off, actually), this lady bumped into me, not seeing anyone in front of her because – guess what? She was holding a huge balloon of Elsa – probably the last one!

As if that was not enough, on my way to the car I could not overhear a 3 year old girl singing one of the Frozen theme songs called ‘Do you want to build a snowman’ to her mom and when the girl got stuck with some more difficult parts of the song her mom filled them in with such ease, like it was the mother’s wedding song or something. [continue reading…]

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Coldplay ghost stories album cover/ google.comI am sure most of you have seen the latest album cover of the legendary band Coldplay. It’s those magical wings in the midst of a dark, blue ocean…remember? I think Starbucks was advertising the CD at the register for a long time.

Anywhoo, guess who the artist was? A tallented, young, Czech artist named Mila Furstova. She has been living in London since the mid 90’s, living off of her paintings (one of them owns even the English Queen!). And guess how she got to England? She was an Au-pair there for 2 months (like many of us), then she fell in love with and Englishman and……read the rest of the story here (http://www.radio.cz/en/section/one-on-one/inspiration-worked-both-ways-says-artist-mila-fuerstova-of-close-collaboration-with-coldplay).

CZ: Velke vitezstvi pro Ceske umelce! Jeden z nich – tedy jedna z nich – totiz vytvorila obal nove desky legendarni skupiny Coldplay. Jmenuje se Mila Furstova a ac puvodne pochazi z Pribramy, zije v Anglii jiz od poloviny 90. letch. Zbytek jejiho dobrodruzneho zivota se muzete dozvedet zde (http://www.radio.cz/en/section/one-on-one/inspiration-worked-both-ways-says-artist-mila-fuerstova-of-close-collaboration-with-coldplay).

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440244-top_foto1-id6r4The  popular  Czech film festival at Karlovy Vary hosted yet another American movie star. This year it was – drumroll please – MEL GIBSON! Besides introducing his new movie he was also awarded the Crystal Globe (an art deco figure of a naked woman holding a crystal globe) for outstanding artistic contribution to the world cinema.

As he was accepting his new prize, he couldn’t help himself  to comment on it: “It’s just the kind of thing I want. The kind of fantasy I always had. A naked woman holding a ball. It’s great.” :))) [continue reading…]

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postdam.com imageHere is a really cool video on how 1000 years of European history changed the definition of borders. This is what the author says about it (not sure if he is trying to minimize what is happening in Crimea…): “The whole world is watching the crisis in Crimea, and Russia faces off with the USA and European superpowers. The dispute centers around which country the territory should belong to, and it may seem shocking in today’s modern era, but the borders of Europe have never been solid. In this time-lapse video, you can see how 1000 years of European history plays havoc on the stability of the border we take for granted today.” CZ: Jak 1000 let evropske historie zmenilo hranice jednotlivych zemi? Podivejte se na toto video a hned vam to bude vse jasne….jen at se vam z toho nezamota hlava!

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CUSTODY-BATTLE-TUGDivorce is always a sticky thing. But it cannot get any more difficult if there are children involved. My parents divorced when I was 7 years old (there was alcoholism involved) and from then on my brother and I stayed with my mom during the week and saw our dad every other weekend, sometimes during the week. It was hard, yet in our situation quite necessary.

Even till this day it is very common, even if both parents are stable, to give the main custody to the mother…father happens to be out of luck.

I recently came across an article which brought all of those childhood memories back.The Czech custody laws have been recently changing with the court system being more sympathetic to the father. There are cases where he was even given a joint custody!

‘The Czech Republic has one of the highest divorce rates in Europe with one in three marriages –and every second marriage in Prague – hitting the rocks.’  If this new trend of joint custody is going to stay, it will affect the majority of the future generation. [continue reading…]

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rubberband jumpingThis will bring you back, my Czech buddies! Not sure how is this game is called in English (if there is even a name for it) but we used to play it all the time when we were kids. Why? because there was not much else to do after school when you lived in the city during the communist times! All the TV programs started no earlier than 4pm, there was no technology and really no woods to get lost in. So we just played this game on the sidewalk for hours. [continue reading…]

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Yay! Our Czech School San Diego got an attention from a very prominent Czech newspaper Lidove noviny. We spoke to Magdalena, the interviewing lady, for about 3 hours but her writing space was unfortunately limited therefore many things were left undocumented. But that is alright, at least the Czech world now knows about us :). Thanks Magdalena!

The title by the way says ‘Czech women in the US establish schools’.

CZ: Jee, tak mame clanek o nasi ceske skolicce v San Diegu v Lidovych novinach! Je to uspech, i kdyz hodne veci, o kterych jsme si s pani novinarkou Magdalenou povidaly, se tam proste neveslo.
Our Czech School San Diego 2our Czech School San Diego

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