My daughter is all about Repunzel these days and that made me think of ‘Zlatovlaska’ which would equal to ‘Golden Hair’ in English? This is one of the most beautiful Czech fairy-tales so enjoy…in both languages!
CZ: Ma dcera Hancicka je naprosto zamilovana do Repunzel, coz mi pripomina nasi krasnou pohadku O Zlatovlasce a tak si pojdme zavzpominat na nase detska leta, kdy lide jeste rozumneli zviratum 😉
Once upon a time there lived a king who wanted to know everything. Old wisemen from all over the world came to teach him what they knew themselves. One day and old womant came to the king and brought him a snake in the basket. “If you eat him, you will be able to understand all of the animals in the world!”, says the old woman. The king liked the idea of knowing something others don’t. At once he ordered Gerge, the cook, to prepare the snake for lunch. He warned him, if George took even just a little bite, the king would kill him. George respected his king very much and promised the king he would not have even one bite. But since he was used to tasting all of kings food, he forgot all about his promise and tasted the snake. As soon as he swallowed the bite, he heard flies and birds talking to each other. George realized what he did and decided not to tell anyone. Then he took the meal to the king.
After the king finished his snake lunch, he took George out for a ride to make sure he did not take a bite of the magic meat. When their horses started talking to each other, George grinned. At that moment the king knew he wasn’t the only one who could understand the animals. Back at the castle, just when George was about to be executed for breakning the king’s orders, he saw two doves fighting over a lock of golden hair, which belonged to a beautiful princess. “Bring me that girl and I will save your life”, said the king. Although George didn’t know which way to go, he set off on a long journey to find Goldilocks – king’s new bride. [continue reading…]
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