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Slovak student claims amazing victory /Slovensky student neuveritelne zabodoval

This is amazing! Guess who won and an international contest for a project of a new skyscraper in downtown Manhattan? Marian Lucky from Slovakia! Considering that he was competing with other students from 19 countries and 45 universities, I think that is a pretty BIG victory, don’t you?

Here is a brief description of the competition itself:

The objective of the competition is to integrate a creative approach to the concept of energy-efficient construction at the passive-house level. Therefore, the task is to design or renovate a building according to the ISOVER Multi-Comfort House definition, which means that high thermal performance, acoustic comfort classes and fire protection requirements have to be considered.

In case you are interested in details, you can go here to see Marian’s complete presentation. It’s pretty neat!

By the way, not only did he win but he only had to travel to the Czech Republic to claim his victory, since this year’s contest took place in the beautiful city of Prague.

.CZ: Neuveritelna novinka! Vite, kdo bude stavet budouci Manhattansky mrakodrap? Marian Lucky ze Slovenska! Vyhral totiz  tzv. ISOVER Multi-Conmfort House Definition soutez, ve ktere soutezil z ostatnimi studenty z 19 zemi a 45 universit. Prijemne pro nej asi take bylo to, ze tento rok se finale konalo v Praze, tedy vlastne jen za humny od jeho domoviny. Vice podrobnych informaci o soutezi (vcetne Marianovy prezentace) muzete najit zde.








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