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September 7th will going to be remembered as a tragic day  for all of the hockey fans out there.

On this day a Russian plane carrying some of the best hockey players in the world, crashed into a riverbank only a few minutes after taking off. The crash killed 43 people – 27 players of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl team (3 of them were Czechs and one was Slovak), 2 coaches and 7 club officials. [continue reading…]

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I have put together a short list of some useful websites for our little ones. Most of them have videos of Czech fairy-tales which you can watch for free. The first link is a mix of everything – it has songs, riddles, poetry, games….anything you can imagine. I hope it will be useful to you. By the way, these websites are also a great Czech language learning tool!

CZ: Ceske maminky a tatinci, zde je kratky list webovek, ktery se vam bude hodit. Vetsina linku vam umozni divat se na ceske pohadky zdarma. Prvni link ma od vseho trosku: rikanky, hadanky, omalovanky, pohadky….na co si jen vzpomenete.

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Kolovazy u Prahy (a small town near Prague) recently opened up a new attraction: A Museum of Socialist Vehicles. It exhibits car models made in-between years 1965 and 1988, which makes about 30 different models, mostly Skoda cars but also Romanian Dacias and Ziguliks. The Museum is showing off some Germany models such as Trabant and Wartburg but those are in minority.

[continue reading…]

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One of my friends told me about this Czech TV program called ‘Ctyri v New Yorku’ (Four in New York), which is a heart-felt documentary about 4 Czech women who have immigrated to the USA later in their life and how hard it was for them to get adjusted to a completely different way of life.

I have had a chance to watch only the first 2 women (both are involved in art) and both films are phenomenal. You won’t be able to stop watching it! The only downside is that the movies load really slow so there are long breaks where you just wait for the movie to start playing again 🙁

The movies are in Czech – sorry! BUT I did translate some of the sentences which resonated with me:

CZ: Jedna ma kamaradka mi doporucila VYBORNY dokument ceske televize, zvany Ctyri v New Yorku. Urcite se na nej podivejte a pripravte se, ze to s vami citove zamava.


First lady: MONIKA ABBOTT…..(emigrated to the USA at the age of 38)

‘I have to be connected with the Czech Republic, I cannot live without it. Only abroad I realized that I was (a true) Czech.’ [continue reading…]

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Don’t tell me the pictures I have recently taken  all around me  don’t prove the under-title of this blog: “Small Bohemian Steps to World Domination” 🙂 🙂 🙂

CZ: Nerikejte mi, ze tyto fotky nejsou dukazem podtitulu tohoto blogu: “Small Bohemian Steps to World Domination” 🙂 :):)

1. The word “VODA” means “WATER” in Czech.

2. The word “Ahoy” is pretty much a misspelled Czech word “Ahoj” which means “HI”. And the same thing goes for the word “Matey”! Substitute ‘y’ for ‘j’ and you will get a Czech name “Matej”. Am I missing some Czech cartoon that’s going around and the main hero Matej is being printed on American t-shirts?!
[continue reading…]

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When I was pregnant with Hahna that strange busy-bee nesting syndrome lead me to create this blog (much more productive and fun than  going through some cleaning frenzy :).  It is hard to believe  that I have been writing posts (this will be mine 870th post) for over 4 years and that our Hanicka just recently blew out her 4 birthday candles as well.  This also means that I am due for my regular bilingual update.

Don’t worry, you can relax, I will ease your mind and tell you right off the bat that Hahna is doing great! And having an innate critical mind of a Czech you know I would not be saying it if it wasn’t the truth.

First of all, about 3 months ago she started asking me  why do we speak Czech. I admit, I was startled by her straight  question and did not know  how to answer  in 1 or 2 sentences, so that a 3-year-old brain could digest it. [continue reading…]

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Since a lot of Czechs and Slovaks tend to enjoy classical music (myself included), I am pretty sure this YouTube video will be a hit. This 3-year-old boy (yes, a ‘regular’ American kid, nothing Czech or Slovak about him) just fell in LOVE with classical music and you just watch how that love translated into his life:

CZ: Myslim, ze se vsichni schodneme na tom, ze vetsine z nas se libi vazna hudba. Jestlize se nachazite v teto vetsinove skupince, musite se na nasledujici video kouknout. Toto 3-lete dite (je to ‘nudne’ Americke ditko, zadne CS predky nema) se TAK zamilovalo do vazne hudby, ze misto hrani si s hrackami se zabyva necim uuuuuuplne  jinym…..

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Both handsome brothers as well as their father were known for their resistance tendencies. Josef Masin (the father) was executed in Prague after being tortured several days by the Gestapo, which he was feverishly fighting against. His sons, Ctirad (who passed away yesterday in his Cleveland home) and Josef, inherited his courageous spirit and fought against the communist regime. What they are most known for, however, is their incredible escape to Western Germany. Why was their escape so controversial and why do some people call them heroes and others label them as murders?


Read a short version here (New York times)

Read a longer version here (Wikipedia.org)

CZ: Jablko se neodkutalelo daleko od stromu, protoze jak Ctirad (ktery zemrel vcera ve svem Clevelandovem dome), tak Josef se proslavili svymi svymi bojovymi postoji. Otec Josef byl za svou protinacistickou propagandu poslan do koncentracniho tabora, kde take zemrel. Jeho synove pak prebrali zezlo, a stali se odbojari proti komunismu. Nejvice se ale proslavili svym neuveritelne dobrodruznym utekem na Zapad. Proc je kvuli nemu nekteri lide tak obdivuji a jini je nazyvaji vrahy? Prectete si vyse uvedene clanky:

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To my surprise, my drawings of Prague/CR were quite the hit last time so I am coming back with more! I have also been working on a new hand-knitted bag (for about 3 days and nights straight), which is decorated with the cutest Czech lion buttons. If no one buys it pretty soon, sorry it’s mine 🙂

CZ: Jelikoz se me obrazky Prahy/CR staly docela hitem, jsem tu s novou, cerstvou nabidkou. Konecne jsem take dokoncila pletenou tasku, ktera se pomalu stala mym celozivotnim dilem – pletla jsem snad skoro 3 dny a 3 noci. Jestlize se v nejblizsich dnech nenajde zajemce, ujmu se ji ja sama, moc se mi totiz libi :).


Prague Castle (click here for more info)









Golden Street/Zlata Ulicka (click here for more info)










[continue reading…]

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According to the Hollywood Reporter, FAMU (Film Academy of Musical Arts in Prague) is the best film school in Europe. It ranked  number 7 (!!) from 25 other most prestigious film schools in the world, which is a huge success. The first place won the famous American Film Institute, the second place goes for the University of Southern California, and the third place goes to the Film Academy in Peking. [continue reading…]

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