One of my friends told me about this Czech TV program called ‘Ctyri v New Yorku’ (Four in New York), which is a heart-felt documentary about 4 Czech women who have immigrated to the USA later in their life and how hard it was for them to get adjusted to a completely different way of life.
I have had a chance to watch only the first 2 women (both are involved in art) and both films are phenomenal. You won’t be able to stop watching it! The only downside is that the movies load really slow so there are long breaks where you just wait for the movie to start playing again 🙁
The movies are in Czech – sorry! BUT I did translate some of the sentences which resonated with me:
CZ: Jedna ma kamaradka mi doporucila VYBORNY dokument ceske televize, zvany Ctyri v New Yorku. Urcite se na nej podivejte a pripravte se, ze to s vami citove zamava.
First lady: MONIKA ABBOTT…..(emigrated to the USA at the age of 38)
‘I have to be connected with the Czech Republic, I cannot live without it. Only abroad I realized that I was (a true) Czech.’ [continue reading…]
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