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cleaning lady google imageSince house-cleaning is a huge business in the US I was wondering how many of you, Czech and Slovak ladies, hire (or would hire) a house cleaning lady? If you have not been brought up in Czech or Slovakia let me give you a little bit of a background on this situation. Back when I was a child everyone cleaned their house himself – there was no question about it. Having a cleaning lady coming to scrub your toilets meant that you were either really rich (which was unlikely) or there was something physically wrong with you (sickness, injury, old age). If you were to suggest those services to some woman during those years she would probably laugh at you and said something like: “What? Are you crazy? Why would I let some stranger in the house AND pay him money, if I can do that stuff myself?”.

I haven’t heard of such ‘magical’ services until I came to the US and I have to say I was kind of apprehensive of it at first. And I admit, I would still probably not hire any cleaning help just because I am a stay-home mom (and also a blogger!!) and I have more time to clean than someone who works full-time. But also, if someone were to clean my house, I would probably end up feeling bad for that lady the whole time she was there, wanting to help her! You know what is the worst about this whole business? Some of my American friends do use house-cleaning services  and they actually clean before the cleaning crew comes so that they would not feel embarrassed about their ‘real’ mess!!! Now, what is the point of that?? Just clean the whole house when you are at it!! [continue reading…]

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postaramsa.com imageMy good Slovak blogger friend Lenka (AKA SlovakMama) had a great idea. She created a website called ‘www.postaramsa.com‘ (meaning “it will be taken care of”) which allows visitors to search for caretakers for either their children or their elderly parents ( or pets!) and worldwide! So let’s say  you are a Czech or Slovak mom abroad and you are looking for a Czech/Slovak nanny. You enter your ad in and for free. Or you live abroad and have an elderly mom who speaks only Czech and you are looking for a Czech companion for her – you enter that in and for free. You get the point. Her website is brand new so there is no English translation as of yet but I am sure if you are in a need of help and cannot speak Slovak, you can contact her and she will be more than happy to help you out – she is great that way :0)

CZ: Moje dobra blogarska kamaradka Lenka (znama take pod jmenem SlovakMama) mela vyborny napad. Vytvorila webove stranky zvane ‘www.postaramsa.com’, ktere vam umoznuji inzerovat uplne zadarmo v pripade, ze potrebujete najit hlidani pro vase deti, nebo opatrovnici pro vase stare rodice, nebo vaseho pejska. Postaramsa zahrnuje i zahranicni staty, takze jestlize jste napriklad ceskou/slovenskou maminkou zijici v USA a hledate specificky pani na hlidani, ktera mluvi cesky/slovensky, toto je pro vas to nejlepsi misto, kde zacit. Nebo naopak, hledate praci jako osetrovatelka/au-aupairka doma nebo v zahranici? Udelejte to same!

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Card Photo Prague Do you find anything strange about this picture? I don’t, it looks like a regular, happy American family to me. And indeed, this picture is a Christmas card of one happy American  family which had sent it to their friends via e-mail just this past Christmas. But what is wrong with this following image??

CZ: Prijde vam tato fotka z nejakeho duvodu divna? Mne ne; prijde mi to jako normalni, stastna americka rodinka. Tento podtext mela fotka take zobrazit. Bylo to totiz vanocni pranicko, poslane tento rok pres internet a to pouze rodine a kamaradum. Co je ale zvlastniho na nasledujici fotce??
[continue reading…]

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city_of_words_lithograph_by_vito_acconci_1999 (google image)As I have said many times in the past, without the Czechs, people would be still dancing naked around the fire like they were  in the Neanderthal era. This list is yet another proof of this:  English words that were originated from the Czech language (take that!!!!):

CZ: Jak jsem rekla jiz mnohokrat v minulosti, bez Cechu by lide na celem svete stale tancovali jako neadrtalci kolem ohne. Nize uvideny list je toho dalsim dukazem: anglicka slova prevzata z ceskeho jazyka (diky za typ, Vlastiku!):

* Absurdistan (in Czech Absurdistán) – word created by Eastern Bloc dissidents, passed into English mainly through works of Václav Havel.
* Budweiser – after Budweis, the German name of Budějovice, a city in southern Bohemia
* dollar – from German thaler, a nickname for the silver coins that were minted from the ore found in Jáchymov in western Bohemia, called Joachimsthal in German (literally Joachim’s Valley)
* háček – a diacritical mark, literally “little hook”, e.g. č is letter c having háček. Also known as “caron”.
* howitzer – from houfnice, a 15th century Hussite catapult; houf meaning crowd or band

* kolache – from koláč or koláček. [continue reading…]

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Brozova and Slegr / ceskenoviny.cz image A well-known beautiful Czech actress Katerina Brozova has a new ‘hobby’. She has recently received a candidacy from the CSSD party for the upcoming October elections. If she were to  get a seat in the House of Commons she would like to concentrate on the culture related issues, she says. The leader of the party, Jiri Paroubek, is hoping that involving such celebrities like Brozova herself will help them getting more votes from the public. His ‘smart’ technique has its critics however. The current CSSD congresman, Vlastimil Aubrecht, voices his sceptical oppinion: “I cannot imagine how can someone sit 3 weeks in a congress, then study the laws and manage his acting career on top of everything else”. According to mr. Aubrecht the opposition party (ODS) is being much smarter about this particular issue, putting their celebrities on the actual pitching billboards (which I also find more logical). [continue reading…]

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google scared faceI found a great blog to share with you. It’s called Girl in Czechland and it is written by an English girl who fell in love with a Czech dude; she fell in love with him soooo deeply that she moved to Prague to be with him! Now, he better be a nice guy because she sure is very nice and a very good writer too. Go ahead and sample her blog by reading ‘Ten things you had always wanted to know about Czechland but were afraid to ask’ (I really like point no. 5 and 10).

WARNING: that is NOT her on the picture!

CZ: Nedavno jsem vypatrala na internete velmi pekny blog a chci se s vami o nej trosku podelit. Jmenuje se Girl in Czechland a byl vytoren jednou slecnou – Anglicankou – ktera se zamilovala do ceskeho jinocha. Tot ale neni vse; zamilovala se do nej tak hrozitansky, ze se za nim prestehovala az do Prahy! Doufejme, ze je to hodnej chlapik, protoze je to moc super holka. Okostujte jeji blog prectenim clanku zvaneho ‘Ten things you had always wanted to know about Czechland but were afraid to ask’ (nejvice se mi libi bod 5 a 10).
[continue reading…]

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nurse google imageDoes your health care system suffer with the deficiency of a nursing staff? Learn from the Czechs! One private clinic in Prague decided to offer nurses a complimentary silicone-enhanced breasts if they sign up for a 3-year contract with them. About 10 nurses have agreed to this offer already and 7 other women are still considering it. This new technique seems to be working as the hospital recorded a 10% increase in job applicants ever since it started offering their bonus package.  Meanwhile, the women’s right activists are going bananas, complaining that the hospital activities are an insult the the nursing profession. Bottom line, the nurses are happy, the hospital is happy and I am sure the patients are happy too :0)

What do you think about this? [continue reading…]

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matuska google imageOn May 30th passed away Waldemar Matuska, one of the most prominent Czech/Slovak singers of the 60’s and 70’s. He was born in Kosice (Slovakia) and later raised in Prague. Inheriting music genes from his mom, Waldemar played various instruments from an early childhood. Later he became an actor in a famous Prague theatre Semafor. As his popularity increased he began writing songs for movies as well as doing the acting part in them. Matuska was a singing partner to many other Czech stars like Helena Vondrackova, Marta Kubisova or Jitka Zelenkova and he won the Zlaty Slavik competition twice. In 1986 he and his family decided to emigrate to the USA (namely to the state of Florida). The communists punished him by banning all of his songs, completely destroyed couple of his recordings as well as deleted his opening song in the popular television series Chalupari. He continued to perform in the US, mostly for the Czechoslovak emigrants. Matuska died of pneumonia and heart faliure at the age of 76.

Attached is a YouTube video of one of his former hits, a song called “Tereza”: [continue reading…]

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flowers flickr imageJune gloom is here and with it not-so-gloomy Czech and Slovak celebrations. We have numerous Czech/Slovak festivals coming up AND the all-time-favorite Czech band Czechomor is touring the USA and Canada :0)

CZ: Cerven je tady a s nim take miliony Ceskych/Slovenskych festivalu a dalsiho lakaveho ‘zbozi’, jako je napriklad turne zname ceske skupiny Cechomor.

1. Clarkson, NE

What: Clarkson Czech Festival

When: June 19 – 21

2. Hastings, NE

What: Czech-Slovak Festival

When: June 6th

3. Washington, DC (Embassy of the Czech Republic)

A. What: Czechomor Concert

When: June 19 @ 7:30pm

More info: 202.274.9105 [continue reading…]

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Lilly Friedman and her husband at their weddingThis amazing story is about Lilly Friedman, a woman who was raised in a former Czechoslovakia and who also survived Auschwitz, a forced labor camp, a death march and  Bergen Belsen concentration camp (also a famous Czech painter and writer Josef Capek died here). Her unfortunate life experiences did not break her spirit, however, having managed to have a special wedding during those hard times, wearing a very special gown. It really is amazing that some people nowadays have the audacity to say that Holocaust did not happen…how would they justify the following story, then?

CZ: Toto je neuveritelny pribeh Lilly Friedmanove, rodacky z ceskoslovenske Zarice, ktera nejen ze prezila Auschwitz, concentracni tabor v Bergen Belsen (kde mimochodem umrel take Josef Capek), ale take hruzny pochod smrti. Tezky osud ji ale nezlomil po strance dusevni, prave naopak. Dokazala totiz usporadat nejen ze mimoradnou svatbu, ale take nosila mimoradne svatebni saty. Je opravdu nevidane, ze jsou na svete lide, kteri veri tomu, ze Holokaust je pouhy mytus.

‘LILLY FRIEDMAN doesn’t remember the last name of the woman who designed and sewed the wedding gown she wore when she walked down the aisle over 60 years ago. But the grandmother of seven does recall that when she first told her fiancé Ludwig that she had always dreamed of being married in a white gown he realized he had his work cut out for him.

For the tall, lanky 21-year-old who had survived hunger, disease and torture this was a different kind of challenge. How was he ever going to find such a dress in the Bergen Belsen Displaced Person’s camp where they felt grateful for the clothes on their backs? [continue reading…]

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