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American family unknowingly models for a grocery store in Prague / Americka rodinka nevedomky modeluje pro obchod v Praze

Card Photo Prague Do you find anything strange about this picture? I don’t, it looks like a regular, happy American family to me. And indeed, this picture is a Christmas card of one happy American  family which had sent it to their friends via e-mail just this past Christmas. But what is wrong with this following image??

CZ: Prijde vam tato fotka z nejakeho duvodu divna? Mne ne; prijde mi to jako normalni, stastna americka rodinka. Tento podtext mela fotka take zobrazit. Bylo to totiz vanocni pranicko, poslane tento rok pres internet a to pouze rodine a kamaradum. Co je ale zvlastniho na nasledujici fotce??

WHAT?? How did the seemingly inocent Christmas card become all of a sudden an add for one of the grocery stores in Prague??? Read the  rest of the incredible story right here (click here).

CZ: COZE?? Jak se toto zdanlivne nevinne vanocni pranicko stalo reklamou jednoho prazskeho obchodu??? Prectete si zbytek tohoto neuveritelneho pribehu zde (kliknete zde).

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2 comments… add one
  • Vlastimil June 14, 2009, 9:07 am

    Italove delaji Cesku ostudu…. a ta americka rodinka na tom jen vyhrali….osud jim pekne zafoukal do plachet…. Ja byt oni, tesim se z tech ted asi 200000 hitu a mlcim…. a vydelam na google reklame….

  • Tanja June 14, 2009, 11:18 am

    mas pravdu s tou reklamou, jeji ‘mommy’ blog ma ted 300 komentu na jeden post!!!

    A proc si myslis, ze italove delaji cechum ostudu? Ja jsem si vzdycky myslela, ze je to naopak ;)….viz. italska vesnicka Bibione, jestli si na ni nekdo pamatujete…

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