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www.pohadkove-kralovstvi.cz image

Do you like places like Disneyland? Go and see the new fairytale land in Prague! The all-year exhibition shows off solely Czech fairytale themes, such as Pernikova chaloupka (Gingerbread house), Sipkova Ruzenka (Rose princess), Dlouhy siroky a bistrozraky, O vetrnikovi a mesicnikovi and other Czech classics.

Although the new museum was build in the place of an old laundry room in Zizkov, the whole construction cost about 7 milion crowns. One can see expensive reproductions of  3-meter tall mochomurkas (a poisonous Czech mushroom), a 5-meter tall tree stump (with dangerous gangmen living in it) or a life-size gingerbread house with some cool witch sound effects coming out from within. Among other attractions, you can also experience a ‘real-life’ Czech hell!

In case you would like to take your kids there here is the address and the hours of operation: [continue reading…]

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flickr czech cuisine imageKarel, also known as the Bouncing Czech has finished another one of his delicious stories! This time he reminisces about the ‘abundance’ of Czech restaurants in Hollywood in the past…and about this crazy guy named Boruvka (Blueberry) ;o). You can read the whole story here.

Karel (take znamy pod jmenem Bouncing Czech) dopsal dalsi ze svych vrcholnych del, tentokrat se v pribehu zabyva ceskymi restauracemi v Hollywoodu….a taky nam predstavi ceskeho typka jmenem Boruvka ;0) Povidku si muzete precist zde.

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FO00105637“Ta nase pisnicka ceska, ta je tak hezka, tak hezka…” (“That Czech song of ours is so beautiful…”).These are the words of one of the most famous Czech songs of all times. In fact, the catchiness of the tune made it almost an unofficial hymn of the Czech people – the old sing it and the young ones do too. It was created by Karel Hasler, a talented Czech composer, singer and an actor  known from his early teens through the early 40’s. Hasler paid dearly for the words of this song but his spirit lives and will live forever. Not only through his countless songs and a famous Czech candy called “Haslerky” but also through his son whom he had never met – through Tom Hasler. Tom recently contacted me via Czechmate Diary and enlightened me on his amazing life story. He  was born to a German mother, Karel Hasler’s fiance, a month after Karel was brutally tortured/murdered in the concentration camp. When Tom was 7 years old, he and his mom emmigrated to Australia and from there to the United States where he lives up to this day. [continue reading…]

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embarrassed google imageThe more I speak Czech to my daughter the more I am finding myself saying bad words. I mean, they are not bad in Czech language but they sound bad to the English ear. Here are some examples:

CZ: Cim vic mluvim s mou 2-letou dcerkou Hanickou cesky, tim casteji se nachazim v situaci, kdy rikam sprosta slova. Ne ze by byla sprosta v cestine, ale bohuzel zni sproste v anglickem jazyce. Tady jsou uvdene nejake priklady:

  1. bic (whip) sounds like bitch
  2. du-du (binkie) sounds like du-du (poop)
  3. pi-pi (bird sound) sounds like pee-pee (urine)
  4. fakt (really?) sounds like fu***d
  5. kakat (to poop) ; slightly offensive word for poop
  6. pusa (mouth) sounds like pu**y
  7. mimi (baby) sounds like my friends name (her name is Mimi)

Got anything else to add to the list?

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slovakmother2I did couple articles on Czechs in America but how about those Slovaks (many of you might not know that my grandfather was Slovak)? True, those two groups get intermingled quite a bit since we were part of a one country for quite some time (1918-1991). There is fortunately quite a lot of information on this topic. The first Slovak who set his foot on the American soil was Isaac Ferdinand Sarosi, who immigrated in 1695. Isaac served as a teacher and a preacher in a religious colony in Pennsylvania called Germantown and (because of his homesickness??) returned back to Slovakia in 2 years of time.  About 100 years later an army of 300 Slovaks, who called themselves the “Blue Hussars”, came to fight with George Washington’s army in the War for Independence. After the war was over the surviving men settled in Maine.

A large-scale emigration wave from Slovakia  was caused by the cholera epidemic in 1873 and the subsequent crop failures all over the country. This movement was fueled also by coming of industrialization, in which many farmers lost their jobs.

During this unhappy time a world traveler named Daniel Sustek decided to purchase about 80 acres of land in Iowa in a hope to build a new thriving Slovak colony there (the article does not say if in fact his dream was fulfilled). [continue reading…]

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teenager flickr imageOne of you guys sent me an updated dictionary of Czech teenage words and expressions. I gotta tell you, some of them I have never even heard of!  I got reminded of my used-to-be favorites, back when I was young young, such as ‘prudic‘ (nuisance), ‘zevlit‘ (killing time), ‘husty‘ (that’s crazy)….But word such as ‘alien‘ (retired person), ‘kobra‘ (hot chick) or ‘krab‘ (an adult, like a parent or a teacher, who keeps bugging you for ‘no reason’) are completely new to me. OK, here it is, sorry, I have to go now – got some studying to do :0)
PS: Sorry, the vocabulary is available only in Czech :((

CZ: Jedna z vas, oddanych ctenarek, mi poslala vyborny (nebo mela bych spis rict ‘husty’?) slovnik aktualnich pubertackych vyrazu a musim vam rict, ze se mam co ucit! Slova jako ‘in’, ‘socka’, ‘typ’ to pro mne za mlada byla samozrejmost. Ale odkud se vzaly slova jako ‘alien’, ‘kobra’, ‘krab’ nebo ‘lowe’? Nebo ‘vygeb’????? Pomoc!!!!

Výkladový slovníček

Alien: Důchodce, tj. každý, kdo přesáhl hranici 35 let. Pochází z anglického výrazu pro vše cizí, nepřátelské, mimozemské. (negativní pojem) [continue reading…]

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bubbles flickr imageI was humbled by my American girlfriend the other day. On our walk we talked about some little clever things that would save us money in this current economical situation. Among other things, this is what she said:” Oh, and I almost forgot, I make my own detergent….”. I was looking at her with my mouth open, thinking “Excuse me, I thought that I am the more frugal one! I was brought up in a poor communist country!” And here she is, this cute California girl, making her own detergent! I thought that was awesome…She said that it saves a bunch of money, then she gave me a recipe and I decided to share it with with you. I don’t know, I just think that having that recipe on hand fits perfectly with our frugal Czech personalities. [continue reading…]

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flickr prague astronomical clockAt a strike of a each hour, a bunch of excited tourists swarm underneath the Prague’s famous astronomical clock. You can hear English, Japanese, German, Italian or Chinese spoken, but Czech language is a rarity. Once the clock strikes, the commotion begins: bells start to ring as a parade of 12 apostles circles in and out of the clock, with a scary figure of an antique skeleton finishing up the round, while ringing his sad little bell.

A similar performance can be seen now in Slovakia as well. Yesterday marked a historical unveiling of a new astronomical clock in Stara Bystrica – the first moving astronomical clock in Slovakia ever! [continue reading…]

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empty pockets google imageHow is the Czech Republic dealing with the current economic crisis? Not so hot. Czechs seem to be saving on food a lot. The grocery stores have to stock up on salami since they are cheaper than ham or chicken and restaurants now offer cheap, simple and filling meals for the price of 55 t0 60 crowns (about $2). The restaurants in Prague decreased their profit by one third and it is expected that a fifth of Prague restaurants will be closed down. Even the fancy Prague Culinary Institute is now offering special classes where the clients learn the art of cheap cooking (c’mon, what Czech doesn’t know how to cook cheap?!).

Now that we know that the regular folk is trying to be frugal, guess who else is following their steps? The government! [continue reading…]

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words flickr image

Some English words are just priceless; there is no quick and easy translation for them in the Czech language, hence it is hard to keep them out of one’s (or at least my) Czech vocabulary. Here is the list that  we have so far:

CZ: Nektera anlicka slova jsou proste k nezaplaceni; do cestiny se nedaji jednoduse prelozit a pro nektera z nich ani zadny cesky vyraz neexistuje. Je tedy nekdy opravdu tezke se techto slov v ceskem jazyce vyvarovat (zvlaste kdyz zijete v anglicky mluvici zemi)!
[continue reading…]

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