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Video about the Russian invasion of Prague/ Video o ruske invazi v 68′

The year 1968 was not just pivotal year for the former Czechoslovakia. It was a year of political change across the globe. The US was dealing with the Civil Rights movement, then there was the Vietnam war….not an easy year.

To remind you of the events in Prague, watch the following video. This time it looks at the whole thing from the point of the Russian soldiers:

CZ: Podivejte se na video ruske invaze Prahy v roce 1968 – tentokrat je to vzate z pohledu ruskych vojaku:

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  • Emma Van Spyk December 2, 2015, 12:56 am

    We are in Lincolnshire, U.K and have several Czech s living and helping us with the running of the Retreat Centre, where among other things my fiance is breeding Czech horses; Sleskie Noriks

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