To my surprise, my drawings of Prague/CR were quite the hit last time so I am coming back with more! I have also been working on a new hand-knitted bag (for about 3 days and nights straight), which is decorated with the cutest Czech lion buttons. If no one buys it pretty soon, sorry it’s mine 🙂
CZ: Jelikoz se me obrazky Prahy/CR staly docela hitem, jsem tu s novou, cerstvou nabidkou. Konecne jsem take dokoncila pletenou tasku, ktera se pomalu stala mym celozivotnim dilem – pletla jsem snad skoro 3 dny a 3 noci. Jestlize se v nejblizsich dnech nenajde zajemce, ujmu se ji ja sama, moc se mi totiz libi :).
Prague Castle (click here for more info)

Golden Street/Zlata Ulicka (click here for more info)

The most famous Czech president – Vaclav Havel (click here for more info)

2. NEW PATRIOTIC HAND-KNITTED PURSE (click here for more info)

3. CZECH MOTIVE BUTTONS (Czech flag, Maxipes Fik, Czech lion) – click here for more info

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Tanja thank you for being such a spirit for all American or new arrival Czech.
You are so talented. We had an American Czech that devoted as much energy as you that would inspire us. Her name was Zora and she had what the dumpling link. I helped her in the beginning and then she just flew like an angle. Loving anything Czech and her family.
I really appreciate all that you do. Thank you. Love Eva M.P.
Eva, thank you so much for your encouraging words! Sometimes I get unsure of myself, if the stuff that make is really good enough to sell and show off, so those words are good to hear 🙂
Yes, I have heard of Zora 🙁 Wasn’t her daughter going to take over the Dumpling Newsletter?
Tani, I think your pictures are definitely beautiful and you should sell them! I already ordered one myself 🙂 I love your pictures of Charles Bridge.
Thanks guys! Now the fun part is to draw another Charles Bridge for my ‘collection’ 🙂 So thank you Evi!
Me se libi Zlata Ulicka….udelal jsem si kopii toho obrazku z Internetu 😉
Vlastimile, doufam, ze jen zertujes…..
Samozrejme, ze zertuju….
Aha, uz jsem se lekla 🙂