The newest addition to the Czechmate Diary store has just arrived! This time it is a 11-oz coffee mug with a silhouette painting of the Prague Castle, viewed from the Charles Bridge (hence the antique lamp on the left of the picture). Each mug is drawn by me personally, so if you would like a slight changes in the writing below (like “Prague” or “Praga” instead of “Praha” or something like that) it can be done.
Each mug costs only $12.99 (plus $5.00 for shipping*). As usual, the Czechmate Diary email subscribers get a 10% discount.
If you would like to purchase any of these items please contact me here (click here). Thank you!
CZ: Czechmate Diary obchudek ma na pultu absolutni novinku – hrnecek s malbou Prazskeho Hradu. Kazdy hrnecek je pomalovany mnou, tudiz jestli byste chteli malou zmenu v popisu (napriklad misto “Praha” byste radeji chteli slovo “Prague” atd.), tak vam rada vyhovim.
Hrnecek stoji pouhych $12.99 (plus $5.00 za postovne). Ti co se zaregistrovali na CMD via email, tak maji jako obvykle 10% slevu.

Calendar with the identical Prague Castle drawing; The cost is $10.99 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling:
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Is that the same as a painting?? :PP
Thanks! I corrected it 🙂
Although it was a pain in the neck to draw on that rounded slippery thing 😉
Tanja, where do you get all the energy from???
I just like to be creative :))
….neboli po cesku – jsem nezmar 😉
Tanja, wait when you will become rich. You will be forced to share your wealth through taxes.
Your money belongs to people 😉 I admire your creativity , but good news is, that we , people, will come
with pitchforks and take what is ours : your money 😀
This country got really screwed.
You made this???? Stunning!
We know, or most of us know that this country is heading south (unfortunately). Do you really have to rain on Tanja’s parade right away? Can’t you at least give her a moment to enjoy this?:)
Tanja, sorry, I did not mean to spoil it for you. It would be actually interesting to organize some Czech shopping mall online, where people would sell Czech stuff. Maybe several people can get together and start this project . I can help when or if necessary, but cannot lead this project (I am a benovolent dictator 😉 , I am working 10 – 12 hours a day …. talk about work – live balance…but still I could help if you will organize some super Czech/Slovak mall… 😉 BTW, I really admire you…. Your husband must be proud of you 😉
Too many Marikas. Which is witch?
Which witch is witch? I am the original one with husband Karel:)
I’m the clone with NO husband ( thanks a lot Marika ;PPP) Vytahuj se!
Are the mugs themselves made in China or USA? (Or elsewhere?)
Thank you.
Ahoj Marketo,
Ja je kupuju v Michaels art supply tak predpokladam, ze ty prazdne bile hrnicky jsou z Ciny. Ale malovani je moje 🙂