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Feel the fall vibrations in the Czech Republic / Pokochejte se dojmy ceskeho podzimu

Do you still remember how does fall in the Czech Republic feel like? It’s quite the experience. Yes it rains a lot and most days the weather is cloudy and grumpy but when the leaves start to change colors….that’s just magical. The My Czech Republic blog posted some cool pictures to help to put us in the right mood. Click here to see them.

CZ: Pamatujete si jeste, jak vypada podzim v Ceske Republice? Pravda je, ze vetsinou prsi, obloha je zamracena a sediva, no proste pocasi pod psa. Tu a tam se ale vyskytne krasny slunecny den, kdy muze clovek vychutnat svezest podzimniho vzduchu a ocenit krasne barvy padajicich listu. My Czech Republic blog nedavno vystavil krasne fotky prave techto nezapomenutelnych dnu. Posudte (a pokochejte se!) sami (kliknete zde).

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7 comments… add one
  • Antoni November 10, 2010, 1:03 pm

    I’ve been there a couple of times this fall and it’s really something to behold. The only pity is that I didn’t have time to go to the Krknoše as I normally do, and there it must be at least a hundred times better than in Prague.

  • Tanja November 11, 2010, 12:13 am

    You are totally right. Except when you catch the wrong week/weekend it may rain at Krkonose all day and all night and then it’s really no fun. You can’t go anywhere! Not even mushroom picking because everything is muddy and wet and cold. When you catch a rainy fall day in Prague there is bunch of stuff you can do 🙂

  • Antoni November 11, 2010, 8:28 am

    Well, the people from town don’t mind so much for the rain… My girlfriend sure doesn’t 😛 It’s a pity that Czechs don’t eat snails, because on fall rainy days they are so easy and nice to catch xD.

    I agree though that in Prague on a rainy day you can go to the theater, opera, a concert, etc so it’s easier and varied 🙂

  • Eva Z November 11, 2010, 9:53 am

    Kdyz se vydari podzim v CR, tak je opravdu nadherny. Pred nekolika tydny jsem byla v Shenandoah National Park ve Virginii a uplne mi to tam pripominalo cesky podzim – barevne listy, slunicko, kopce… Ale nechtela bych tam byt za deste a zimy…brrrrr.

  • Antoni November 13, 2010, 5:54 am

    You’re right Eva. It’s much better in the fall or, specially in the winter, as there aren’t the horrible amounts of tourists that populate all Czech Republic during spring and summer. (I am aware that people could consider me a tourist, but being there with my czech girlfriend frees me of the tourist tag, doesn’t it :P)

  • Jaryba November 15, 2010, 2:08 pm

    Tak zrovna minulý víkend padaly v Čechách teplotní rekordy. Bylo 21 stupňů, krásně modrá obloha bez mráčku a chodili jsme jen v tričku (bohužel dnes zataženo a už jenom 10 stupňů).

  • Eva Z November 15, 2010, 2:43 pm

    Antoni, agreed with the tourists (you don’t count 🙂 ) but winter…brrrr, pretty only when it’s freezing, sunshine and snow, otherwise, just grey mess with dirty melting slush…I can just imagine the million times I stood at a tram station, my feet freezing regardless the shoe thickness and thinking how I hate the weather!

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