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anthony_bourdain google imageDo you know Anthony’s Bourdain’s show called “No reservations”? If not, now is the perfect time to start watching it because this daring culinary chef  will be introducing Prague and its ‘crazy’ culinary art! Catch this episode  on Travel Chanel Monday, Feb 1 at 10 PM E/P.

CZ: Anthony Bourdainova show zvana “No rezervations” bude pristi tyden o Praze! Uvidime, jaky ‘blaznivy’ chod objevi v ‘te nasii kuchyniiii ceskeeeeeee…” ;0)

Divejte se v pondeli, 1. unora na Travel Channel a to ve 22:00 E/P.

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cute kid google imageKids in America start going to school way too early. A five-year-old kiddos were still in diapers just 3 years earlier! Children of that age should be playing with their toys, enjoying their childhood and not learning how to read and do math problems.

I went to  first grade when I was almost 7 years old and I turned out just fine, so what’s all this rush about? The thing is that this early school fever is contagious. The Czech Republic started to accept 5-year-olds into their first grades this year, however, the interest was not high. Both parents and teachers think these children are just too young for school. “They have problems with speech, mostly with pronunciation”, says one of the first grade teachers. Even the Czech child spychologist, Vaclav Mertin, claims that children at 5-years-of-age should be educated in some way but they should not be going to school just yet. [continue reading…]

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Czechs in Ohio google imageThe second part of the history of Czechs in Ohio is here (you can read the first part here) and even though I do not live in Ohio myself, I was engrossed in reading (and translating!) it:

‘So Gustav Adam, the first Czech immigrant to Ohio, was dead and what happened then? The Czech immigrant torch overtook Jindrich Hladik from Prague and a few Czech Jewish men such as Leopold Levy from Smetanova Lhota u Pisku, Bernard Weidenthal from Vestice u Tabora and Zikmund Stein from Prague. Levy had a fabric store  and Stein opened up a little pub on  Seneca Street, while Hladik owned a food market. In 1849 inhabited Cleveland also a 22-year-old Abraham Weindenthal whose offspring became excellent journalists.

In 1852 arrived to Cleveland 16 new Czech families and their beginnings were not pretty. Since the women were accustomed going to the town bare-foot and with scarfs tied around their heads, the locals thought of them as Gypsies. [continue reading…]

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atomic bomb www.radio.cz imageDoes the name Georg Placzek ring the bell? No? Don’t feel bad because it is a name unknown to many Czechs. Mr. Placzek is known mostly in America, since he was (the only Czech!) present for the detonation of the 1st nuclear bomb, which he had also helped to build.

Radio Prague wrote a very nice overview of Placzek’s life and you will be surprised to find out in what ways was he connected to names like Charles Darwin, Neils Bohr, Otto Frish and other famous scientists (click here to read the complete article).

CZ: Rika vam neco jmeno Georg Placzek? Ne? Nebojte se, nejste sami; malokomu z Cechu toto jmeno neco rika. Georg byl znamy zejmena v Americe, kam v roce 1945 emigroval. O par mesicu pozdeji byl jako jediny Cech pritomen u detonace prvni atomove bomby. To ale neni vsechno, byl totiz take jeji spolutvurce.

Radio Praha o nem napsala moc zajimavy clanek, kde se take dovite, jakym zpusobem byl spojeny se jmeny jako je Charles Darwin, Neils Bohr, Otto Frish a dalsimi veleznamymi vedci.

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family google image

When were were back in the Czech Republic the last time my cousin asked my husband: “Why did you guys get married if you weren’t pregnant?” We gave him kind of a blank stare back, not knowing how to respond. For love? Isn’t that usually the reason why do people get married? But according to  the Ceske Noviny newspaper 59% of Czechs  did get married because of their offspring. What is interesting is that 70% of those who participated in the poll think of an ideal family as having 2 children – no more, no less. This has been a wide spread thought for quite some time, say  the statistical analysts. [continue reading…]

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facebook yahoo imageFor those of you who are hopelessly involved in the Facebook world here is a really funny (and also true!) article about this new ‘social awkwardness’ as the author calls it:

“Who you callin’ Facetard?” Social Media and the new social awkwardness.

CZ: Ti z vas, kdo jsou beznadejne zapleteni do site Facebooku oceni nasledujici vystizny clanek:

“Who you callin’ Facetard?” Social Media and the new social awkwardness.

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poll google imageIt’s the beginning of a new year and it is time to crunch up some numbers: statistics, people, statistics!! What are we, the readers of Czechmate Diary, like? What do we hate? Find out more about yourself right here:

CZ: Je tu zacatek noveho roku, tak se pojdme podivat jak to vypada se statistikou. Jaci vubec ctenari Czechmate Diary jsou? Co mame radi? Co nesnasime? Naucte se o sobe neco noveho:


What do you miss about the Czech Republic/Slovakia the most?

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perfume bottles google imageBreaking news! The most popular Czech car fragrance is the vanilla-scented Wunder-baum tree! Second place belongs to the “Black Classic” scent which copies the man’s cologne and third place is taken by the “New car” scent (which is also my personal favorite). Out of the liquid car scents the “Anti-Tobacco” is the winner since it covers up the smell of cigarette smoke, something that many Czechs have to deal with on every day basis. [continue reading…]

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Czech immigrants in Ohio google imageEveryone has heard of Cleveland, the second most industrial city in the USA. But not everyone knows that all of its machinery was built  by the Eastern European immigrants, including the Czechs.

Ohio in the 18th century was inhabited only by Indians, while the land itself was fought over by the French and the English. While those two nationalities were fearlessly fighting for the land, the Moravian christian missionaries (Moravian Brethren) were fighting for the Indian souls. Besides Christianity the missionaries taught the Indians about hygiene, various useful crafts and farming. About 100 years later the main Indian colony located on the Tuscarawas river was visited by a famous Moravian missionary, David Zeisberger. David befriended the Indian chief of the Netawatweese clan who adviced him to ride down the local river to find a new home for himself. [continue reading…]

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albino doe /srna albin image The Czech ZOOs in Usti had an interesting visitor for a few days. An exhausted albino doe was caught by the local cemetery where she was chased and finally bit by some dogs. She was moved to Decin and became part of the animal crew that represents the unique geographical region of so called Czech Switzerland.

Albino does are very unusual in nature. Unfortunately, their unique coloring brings them much trouble. Not only  they are not liked and trusted by other animals but their lack of eye pigment causes problems with their sight and they are also very sensitive to light.
[continue reading…]

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