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Czech Press Photo 2007 won the Execution of a child / Czech Press Photo 2007 vyhrala Exekuce ditete

Exekuce ditete od Dana Materny. www.ceskenoviny.czThe main prize of the Czech Press Photo 20007 competition was won by a photo called the Execution of the Child by Dan Materna. The voting was almost unanimous – 11 out of 11 committee members chose exactly this picture out of 3000 others. They liked the fact that the picture uncovers the biggest secret drama in ones life – the family war. The winning photo captures the Czech mother and the Portuguese father who are on the sidewalk playing the tug-of-war with their 7-year old daughter. The parents got divorced couple of years ago and the child was given to the care of her father who is taking her back to his homeland – Portugal. It is a painful scene, indeed. One of the committee members comments on the picture: ” this photo shows how bad family arguments can get…”. Among other competing pictures was a photo capturing the funeral ceremony of the famous Czech composer Karel Svoboda, a picture of the vice-president Topolanek fiercely rooting at a tennis game or the so-called “resurrection of the Cathedral of St. Cyril and Method and others. You can view all of these photos at:


Hlavni cenu ceske fotozurnalisticke souteze Czech Press Photo 2007 ziskal snimek s nazvem Exekuce ditete od Dana Materny. Porota ji jednohlasove vybrala z vice nez 3000 dalsich fotografii a to pry proto, ze odhaluje nejvetsi soukrome drama v lidskem zivote – valku v rodine. Foto zachycuje ceskou matku a portugalskeho otce, kteri se na chodniku vylozene perou o jejich 7-mi letou dcerku. Rodice se po par letech manzelstvi rozvedli a ditko bylo soudem prisouzene otci, ktery se s nim vraci do jeho rodne zeme – Portugalska. Je to opravdu bolestna scena. Predsedkyne komise k tomu pridava:”Tato fotka ukazuje, kam az mohou vest spory mezi partnery..”. Mezi dalsimi favority byl snimek z pohrbu Karla Svobody, foto premiera Mirka Topolanka a ministra vnitra Ivana Langra jak vasnive fandi pri tenise, znovuzrozeni karlinskeho chramu sv. Cyrila a Metodeje a dalsi. Tyto a dalsi snimky muzete shlednout na teto vebove adrese:


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