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Nicholas Winton not among living anymore / Nicholas Winton uz neni mezi zivymi

sir nicholas wintonA sad news: Sir Nicholas Winton passed away just hours ago.

The good news is that he reached a triple diamond age of 106 years and even a better news is that his life served as a protective shield to many Czech and Slovak Jewish Children who would have otherwise died in the concentration camps.

Winton’s favorite hobby was helping others; like someone likes gardening or bridge, Nicolas loved to be the guardian angel to the oppressed. What a great life motto! I wonder if, that is a secret to a long, happy life!

CZ: Dnes zemrela obrovska osobnost lidskych dejin – Sir Nicholas Winton. Tento skromny, 106-ti lety dedecek v dobe Druhe svetove valky totiz zachranil zivoty nekolika stovek ceskych/slovenskych zidovskych deti. Jeho zivotni heslo bylo:” Kdyz uz na tom svete jednou jsme, tak at jsme take necim uzitecni”. Mozna, ze tomu prisel Sir Nicholas na kloub – byti andelem straznym jednoduse prodluzuje zivot o nekolik desitek let!

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