If you live in Prague then it is time for you to go into a battle. The Wenceslas Square is about to get a makeover of one of the historical buildings there and it is not going to be pretty.
The investor calls it The Flower House but on the preliminary images it sure does not look like a flower to me….it is a monster!! He must feel guilty about the look because he is promising the Prague citizens something unachievable: getting the square rid of prostitutes and druggies via this construction. Well, it may get so far that when this monster is finished there will be nobody walking around!
No, seriously, I am no architect but I think that considering the surrounding buildings, this modern ‘flower’ really does not fit. I know I am not the only one who thinks so because even Vaclav Havel was afraid that instead of the current historical building (from 1880) we will get a ‘beast’. And sure enough.
CZ: Pokud zijete v Praze, tak si myslim, ze prisel cas se bourit. Na Vaclavaku se totiz chystaji zbourat jeden z puvodnich domu a postavi tam tzv. ‘Kvetinovy dum’. Opravdu nechapu odkud toto jmeno vzeslo, dum jako kytka nevypada a krasny jako kvetina take neni. Je to zruda!!!

I jeho investor se musi citit vinne protoze slibuje, ze novy dum vycisti Vaclavak od prostituce a drog. Mozna to pujde tak daleko, ze ho vycisti od jakychkoliv lidi!
Ne, ted vazne, ja nejsem architekt ale z estetickeho hlediska mi to prijde vuci ostatnim domum na Vaclavskem namesti opravdu hruza. A nejsem sama, i sam Vaclav Havel se obaval, ze misto historicke budovy (z roku 1880) vyroste ‘obluda’. A je to tady.
Mne ta budova neprijde tak strasna, porovnej to treba s Tancicim domem, ktery je snad jeste horsi a take mezi historickymi budovami. Ale, kdyz se podivas, ani ten stavajici dum uz historicke prvky temer nema, byl zmenen, stejne tak ty domy vedle. Ano, je to uplne jina architektura, ktera se tam nehodi, ale na druhou stranu to asi zase tak neublizi vzhledem k tomu, co uz bylo udelano. Ale nevim, kde vzali ten nazev “kvetinovy”, ty vlnky mi pripominaji spise vodu a nebo travu ve vetru…
ahoj, souhlasim s komentem predtim. Dum neni tak hrozny, ale unique.
me se nejvic libi uplne originalni budova a myslim ze kdys ho rekonstruavali v ’22 tak se take asi lidem nelibil. Kez by udrzovali historicke domi v originalnim stavu. Jak takovahle sklenena parada vydrzi staleti to nevim….
I think with all the older buildings this would give the area a bit of architectural interest. But we will have to wait and see what will happen especially after the BLOB.
Souhlasim s Romanou. Takovej sklenik muzou postavit kdykoliv a kdekoliv. Ale jakmile zlikviduji originalni historickou budovu tak uz ji nikdy vratit nemuzeme!
Architektura je odrazem doby. Ted se nam to nelibi a za sto let to bude nejhezci budova na Vaclavaku … Pak, az za sto let zase nejaky architekt vyhraje v soutezi, tak se bude stavet nejaky jiny skvost a tenhle se zboura…..a lidi se budou bourit a a rikat, ze bychom se meli snazit zachovat historicke budovy pro pristi pokoleni …..