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Czech quintuplets on the way! /Ceska patercata jsou na ceste!

Daily mail imageWhile many women have problems conceiving a child this lucky Czech woman conceived quintuplets naturally! The odds of conceiving quintuplets naturally is one in several million, according to Dr Wright Bates, from the University of Alabama. What is the chance of this happening in Czech????!!!!

Read the full article here (click here).

CZ: Zatimco mnoho zen ma problemy prirodne otehotnet alespon s jednim ditetem, tato stastna zena otehotnela prirodne primo s patercatami!!!!! Podle doktora Wrighta Batese z alabamske university se takova sance naskytne jedenkrat z nekolika milionu, tak si teprve musite predstavit jak mala sance je, ze se to stane zrovna v Cechach!!!!

Cely clanek si muzete precist zde (klidnete zde).

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3 comments… add one
  • Benedikta June 5, 2013, 7:28 pm

    One in 48 millions, they say. Of course many Czechs are not thrilled because the parents are gypsies, so much that most newspapers had to cancel comments on articles about these births. Very sad how prejudiced we Czechs are.

  • Tanja June 5, 2013, 9:00 pm

    I was wondering if that was her origin. I can just see the comments. What’s sad is that lot of these Czechs have good points but the way they are expressing them is probably not very pretty.
    With the way the Czech government works this girl probably won’t have to work for the rest of her life since the child support for six kids (she has another child as well) adds up to quite a bit. But she will have her hands full!

  • Marina Musilova November 12, 2013, 3:25 pm

    I am so embarrassed to be Czech and read these things. Czech racism really takes the cake, and with the weakest anti discrimination laws in Europe. I know plenty of Czech women, not gypsies, who marry men from here for money and a green card and then squeeze out kids then divorce so they can stay home and get fat on welfare, child support and free healthcare. They are so cheap they refuse to work or get an education unless they fear losing child support (no care for kids, they wear new clothes and their kids wear second hand or church freebies) makes me want to bury my hapead in the sand, especially when I see them partying it up at Czech functions. So I only wish wonderful for this gypsy mom who could not possibly be that bad and is certainly way prettier!

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