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Czech terrorists? / Cesti teroriste?

google Czechia imageRemember we had that big discussion about another offical name for the Czech Republic called “Czechia”? And remember most of us were not very happy about that name? Well, this is another conformation of our inherent instincts:

‘As new details about the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings came to light, confusion on Twitter led some users to mistake Chechnya for the Czech Republic.

The names of the distinct regions trended on the social network after two suspects in the bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, were described by family and law enforcement as “brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya.”

In response, Twitter users made crude “infographics” and shamed misinformed tweets, in an apparent effort to correct the Chechnya-Czech Republic error.’

(taken from Huffington Post)


After my husband read this article this is what he posted on Facebook:

‘I  guess I can untie my Czech wife now. I had her on lock down waiting for the FBI to show.’


CZ: Pamatujete si, jak jsme se bavili o alternativnim jmenu Ceske republiky – “Czechia”?  A pamatujete si, jak se vetsine to jmeno moc nezamlouvalo? Tak ted se nase inherentni instinkty potvrdily:

– prectete si vyse uvedeny uryvek z Huffington Post… a pak take koment meho manzela na Facebooku :).

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5 comments… add one
  • Jan Chlumsky April 23, 2013, 5:38 am

    Lets leave the name of our homeland as far as possible from any rusification. Czech republic suits me much better than czechia, rossia, cecnija and similar trash.

  • Romana April 23, 2013, 10:07 am

    Agree. Don’t want to further confuse the public. The ignorance is staggering considering the age of information we live in.

  • aaron April 23, 2013, 1:08 pm

    It’s no worse than Slovakia/Slovenia, though. Or Belarus/Russia. Just because people would potentially confuse two names doesn’t mean that the names should be changed. I like the idea of “Czechia” (only to keep people from saying “you can’t just call it ‘Czech’ – that’s not its name!”, but I can see where it could cause problems.

  • Shlomo April 23, 2013, 1:49 pm

    I always felt that “BOHEMIA” would be the best name for our small country. Its sound nice and feminine – and since almost everyone is a (ARTIST) it would be just great to have BOHEMIA like AUSTRIA etc.

  • Tanja April 23, 2013, 2:26 pm

    I really like Bohemia, except the Moravians would not like it since Moravia is not officially a part of Bohemia :(.
    I would be cool to say I am from Bohemia. or I am Bohemian.:)

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