Not sure if you are dealing with the same thing but most people I talk to here STILL call the Czech Republic/Slovakia Czechoslovakia….and Prague is, of course, the capital of Czechoslovakia. Those two nations have split up 19 years ago!!!!!
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CZ: Take se vam zda, ze vetsina cizincu uplne ignoruje to, ze se Ceskoslovensko rozpadlo jiz pred 19 lety? Nezapomente vyplnit anketu, at si muzeme porovnat nase zkusenosti.
My husband is Slovak so sometimes, for easier and faster explanation, we actually say we are from Czechoslovakia, thinking that people here don’t know much better anyway :o) But they surprised us so many times saying: ” but Czechoslovakia doesn’t exist anymore”! I was shocked! In a nice way. It happened couple times, so we don’t say we come from Czechoslovakia anymore :o)
Stava se mi to hodne casto a prave nedavno jsem to rikala manzelovi, jak je mozny, ze i po 19 letech to nekteri jeste nezaregistrovali. Ale je pravda, ze jde vetsinou o starsi generaci, pro ne proste uz asi Czechoskovakia zustane navzdy.
Those that get it right maybe had to google “czechoslovakia”. And people that get it right but never been here still think it’s something like Bratislava in Eurotrip
Do you say “Life in Czech Republic” or “Life in the Czech Republic”. I’ve gotten used to dropping the “the” before Ukraine – not sure what to do with Czech Republic.
Lol! I live in Eastern Nebraska where there are many Czech-blooded people, and many of them still call it Czechoslovakia. It is very annoying! But what do you really expect here in America?????? 🙂
Chudaci z Mukaceva, ti meli horsi smulu
I think people just really like to say the word ‘Czechoslovakia’. My husband said that it was used as a funny password among people.
Vlastimile, what about those people?
jeej na aký zaujímavý blog som natrafila :o)
vieš čo, niekedy je dobré, že aspoň Československo registrujú…lebo o Slovensku nemajú páru (česť výnimkám) :o)
Na te mape Ceskoslovenska je Mukacevo casti Ceskoslovenska. Po pripojrni teto casti Ceskoslovenska k SSSR se zivot v teto casti se seredne zhorsil a mistni obyvatele byli nejen utlacovani sovetsiou vladou, ale take cerstve pristehovavsimi se Ukrajinci. Vetsina obyvatel teto oblasti byli Rusini a Madari
Ahoj Zuzko! Jsem rada, ze jsi nas nasla :))
Fakt? To jsem nevedela, ze neregistruji Slovensko! Tak vidis, je lepsi se na jakykoliv problem podivat taky vzdycky z te pozitivni stranky, pak uz to neni ‘problem’…
Vlastimile, dik, uz si matne vzpominam – diky za vysvetleni.
Lorenzo, I just now checked out the video – funny! You know, I have not seen the movie yet – is it worth seeing? Do they have a part about the Czech Republic?
Nedávno jsem najela na otázku „Kterých 5 evropských zemí je nejchudších a nejbohatších?“ Odpověď: Nejchudší: Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Albania, Czechoslovakia…když to vidím, mám chuť se na té stránce zaregistrovat jen kvůli tomu, abych tam mohla napsat, že Československo už neexistuje. Je to tím, že jako Československo jsme byli asi výraznější a dneska, když se někoho třeba v Americe zeptáte, kde leží Česko, pochybuji, že vůbec bude vědět, že nějáká ČR existuje…asi bychom se s tím měli prostě smířit 🙂
I think things like this take a long time to change, more than twenty years for sure.
My mom remembers when she was a very little girl and she and other little girls in her school were being reminded to add the ‘ova’ to their name. In Hungary the ‘ova’ wasn’t used. Many people still speak Hungarian in Kosice, even tough it is Slovakia, or was Czechoslovakia, so change never happens rapidly.
I think Russia had a lot more to deal with, look at what a huge country that was and now it’s in pieces. None the less, I never quite understood why Czechoslovakia broke up into two countries.
I guess it’s just because 95% of people are idiots…
I am Czech and saying the country my parent and elders come from doesn’t exist iscluke,saying Native American Indians don’t exist.
Reiteration saying Czechoslovakia doesn’t exist is like saying Native American InDiana do not exist!!!