I have put together a short list of some useful websites for our little ones. Most of them have videos of Czech fairy-tales which you can watch for free. The first link is a mix of everything – it has songs, riddles, poetry, games….anything you can imagine. I hope it will be useful to you. By the way, these websites are also a great Czech language learning tool!
CZ: Ceske maminky a tatinci, zde je kratky list webovek, ktery se vam bude hodit. Vetsina linku vam umozni divat se na ceske pohadky zdarma. Prvni link ma od vseho trosku: rikanky, hadanky, omalovanky, pohadky….na co si jen vzpomenete.
- http://www.detskestranky.cz/
- http://www.abatar.cz/index.htm
- http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/pohadkovy-balicek/
- http://nejlepsi-pohadky.cz/
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Diky moc, uz se tesim az to ukazu detem. Ten odkaz na ceskou televizi(3) jde automaticky na abatar(2). 🙂
pockej, Lenko, ja jsem tu zase 100 let za opicema, co jeto abatar (2)??
Ahoj, nejsi, jen jsem to spatne vysvetlila. 🙂 Myslela jsem ze ten odkaz na…. http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/pohadkovy-balicek/ jde automaticky na odkaz na webovku …. http://www.abatar.cz/index.htm
Asi se spatne okopiroval link a jde to na stejnou stranku. Ale jen kdyz kliknes na link, kdyz to zkopirujes a otevres v novem okne tak je to spravna adresa.
I recall you posting a website where one can download episodes of Czech Seseme Street. However, I’ve searched your site for a good 1/2 hour and can’t seem to find the link. Can you repost it?
Did you mean this one?
Yes, that’s the one. Thanks sooo much! 🙂