Babies and Maxipes Fik go so well together! That’s why I designed a pair of pants just for them! They are cute, unique and made out of 100% organic cotton.
The price ranges from $21.99 for the littlest peanuts to about $24.99 for the older babies (plus $3.99 for shipping and handling).
Adult sizes (maybe a pair for your dear hubby?) – although a bit more expensive – are also available.:).
If you are interested in purchasing a pair contact me here and we can talk about the specifics.
PS: Once again, if you are registered for Czechmate Diary by email you get a 10% discount.
CZ: A jsou tu paradni Maxipso-Fikovske kalhoty pro ty nejmensi!! Jsou roztomile, unikatni a usite ze 100% bavlny.
Cena se pohybuje od $21.99 do $24.99 (plus $3.99 za postovne) podle toho, jak stare Vase miminko je. Jestli by se vam zachtelo takovych kalhot treba pro Vaseho manzela (nebo manzelku), i to se da uskutecnit, akorat ze cena by byla trosku vyssi.
Pokud mate zajem si tyto roztomile teplacky zakoupit, zkontaktujte mne zde a popovidame si o podrobnostech.
A jeste neco duleziteho: jestlize jste zaregistrovani na tento blog via email, dostanete 10% slevu.