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Make your room artsy – Frame your barf bags! / Vyzdobte si byt – Zaramujte si pytlicky na zvraceni!

barf bag collector / radio.cz imageImagine you get invited by your acquaintance for a cup of tea and when you come to his house, there are strange paper bags hanging all over the walls. First, you realize you don’t know this person enough and you wonder if you should start slowly backing out of this very strange place and call the police. Then you decide to be brave and take a closer look at those walls and you realize they are covered with  barf bags!

We are talking here about Milos Kubista, a Czech dude from Plzen who owns  a collection of more than 1,500 air sickness bags (some framed) from all over the world. It took him close to 40 years  to collect all those ‘valuable’ items and the numbers are still growing.

Who would have ever thought of such idea! Only a brilliant Czech mind…:0)

CZ: Predstavte si, ze jste pozvany jednim znamym na caj a to k nemu domu. Moc ho jeste neznate, ale pripada vam, jako docela zajimavy clovek. Kdyz ale vejdete do jeho obyvaku, zjistite, ze vsechny steny jsou pokryte jakymysi divnymi papirovymi pytlicky. Nakouknete do druhe mistnosti a uvidite tu samou podivnou raritu. Vas prvni instinkt je vzit nohy na ramena a okamzite zavolat policii. Pote ale naberete trosku vice odvahy a podivate se na one steny zblizka. Zjistite, ze nejsou vyzdobene ledajakymi pytliky, ale pytliky na zvraceni! Ty, ktere vam letadlove sluzby nabizi pri turbulencich!

Jedna se tu o raritni sbirku celkem 1 500 pytliku (nektere jsou take zaramovane), ktere majitel kolekce, Milos Kubista z Plzne, nahromadil za poslednich 40 let. Kdo jiny by mohl prijit na tak briliantni napad, nez cesky mozek! ;0)

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

5 comments… add one
  • Jana V June 4, 2010, 7:01 am

    Is he married? Because that is cool his wife lets him decorate his own space.

  • Marika June 4, 2010, 9:02 am

    I guess there is always space for something new in the Guinness Book of Records, very original.

  • Tanja June 4, 2010, 11:12 am

    Jana, haha, I am not sure, but if he is his wife for sure is quite cool and submissive 🙂 Or maybe she is buried in backyard 😉

  • Sick bag HQ June 6, 2010, 3:13 pm

    He is not alone! There are dozens of us who collect airline sick bags. It is a great hobby – more interesting than collecting postage stamps or beer mats. It is true, however, that most of us are men(!). Put ‘sick bag’ or ‘barf bag’ into a search engine and you will find loads of us. Oh, and our wives are very supportive, as our hobby keeps us quiet and out of mischief, and costs a lot less than sports cars or golf!

  • Miluska July 9, 2010, 7:46 pm

    That’s sick! 😀 😀 😀

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