You know how much they all talk about how much snow is in the Czech Republic now? I got a proof! These wonderful Prague pictures (taken by a generous donor – Peter) were taken just a few days ago. And if Prague is snowed-in, you know that the rest of the Czech Republic is REALLY snowed in.
CZ: Vite, jak se vsude stebeta o tom, kolik v Cechach napadlo snehu. No, a ja mam dukaz! Fotky (velkodusne darovane panem Petrem) zasnezene Prahy! A vime preci, ze jestlize je Praha zasnezena, tak zbytek cele Ceske republiky je opravdu zapadly pod horami snehu.
Dekujeme Petre!
So beautiful!
I am glad you like it! Every time I look at those pictures I feel like I am there…..
This is hardly any show! You should see some pictures from about a month ago. It was CRAZY how much snow there was. It was like a blizzard!
Suzannah, I think I have found the pictures of what you are talking about (i.e. the post above)…holy cow!!!!!
Home sweet home. I do miss having four seasons. When people in California tell me :”It is so cold today”. I always say :” This isn’t cold, you don’t know what you are talking about”. The California seasons are so different: riots, rains, earthquakes, and floods(:
I am definitely not homesick. We have snow, heat and corrupt politicians… I feel really at home
Marika, I forgot you are from California too! Haha…yes, having 4 seasons instead of earthquakes makes things definitely easier
To Je Moc Hezky !!! I am supposed to be in Pardubice on a Hokej mission trip right now, but needed to save my vacation time for english camp in Nachod in July ! ;o( oh well.. Ahoj !! a Naschle !!
Pochvalen Bud pan Jeziz Christus !! az na veky !