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Dentist? I don’t need no stinkin’ dentist! / Zubare? Toho nepotrebuju!

bad teeth google image“Have you ever had your teeth cleaning done?”, asked a dentist the first time I went to get my teeth checked here in the US. “I think so”, I answered. He looked at me with a puzzled look: “You think so?” To enlighten you on this topic, back in Czech –  during communist Czechoslovakia – the dental care was not so good. In fact, to be more exact, it was terrible. I remember going to the dentist once a year with my whole class and – to put you in the right mood – let me just say that I would throw up right when my mom woke me up that morning. Why? Because I was terrified of that day! The dentists were mean, totally disinterested in us and God be with you when they found a tooth decay! How did they find it?

Well, no one was doing X-rays back then so they were just poking around in your mouth until you screamed loud enough. Once they established the fact that you needed a filling, they put a piece of wood into your mouth and let the show begin…no, it wasn’t that bad but close to it. The dentists back then did not use any local anesthetics so you just had to hold on tight to you chair handles and hope for the best.

If you were blessed not to have any decay – let me take that back – if you were blessed that they did not find any decay the doctor moved on to the next step: teeth cleaning. This procedure took about 15 seconds where the dentist submerged a piece of cotton swab into some FOUL, yelowish fluid and ran it over your teeth. Then she yelled: “Next!”.

So to come back to the American dentist’s original question, I think I can now safely say that I did not have any real teeth cleaning done up until I went to see him. In retrospect I am surprised that I still have any teeth left!!! I just turned thirty and I have just recently learned how to properly floss my teeth, for Heaven’s sake!

CZ: “Cistili vam nekdy zuby?”, zeptal se me zubar, kdyz jsem tady v Americe poprve navstivila zubarskou ordinaci. “Jo, myslim ze jo.”, odpovedela jsem nejiste. “Myslite, ze ano?”. Vy jiste vite o cem tady mluvim. Ceska zubarska komunita za komunistu nebyla az tak vyborna, spise bych s jistotou rekla, ze byla dosti podprumerna. Jako deti jsme chodily k zubarovi jednou za rok a to kolektivne, s celou tridou (rano jsem se take hned po vzbuzeni v ten den z nervozity poblinkala). Do ordinace se volalo podle abecedy, to znamena ze “A” prijmeni to mela odbyta rychle, zatimco prijmeni ke konci abecedy (jako ja) se v cekarne musela nejakou tu chvili strachy potit. Kdyz na me konecne dosla rada a sestricka me zavolala do ordinace, nikdo me nepozdravil, ani mi nedal povzbudivy usmev. Zubarka si me, jako osoby (nebo spis ditete) vubec nevsimla, jenom mi dratem probodala dasne, aby zjistila jestli mam kaz. Zadne rentgenove snimky se tenkrat nedelaly, zubarka proste cekala na to, az bolestne zarvete a pak vam provrtali zub; bez umrtveni. Jestlize jste prezili tuto cast ve zdravi, nasledovala procedura ‘cisteni zubu’. Cisteni zubu trvalo asi tak 15 sekund, kdy doktorka namocila kus vaty do ohyzdne, zazlukle tekutiny a potrela vam (pozor!) horni I dolni zuby. Pak zarvala “Dalsi!”.

Takze, abych se vratila zpatky k puvodni otazce toho americkeho zubare: po revidovani mych pameti muzu sebejiste rici, ze jsem opravdove cisteni zubu v Cechach nemela. Jsem opravdu ohromena, ze mi vubec nejake ty zuby zbyly!!! Bylo mi nedavno tricet a az ted jsem se dozvedela, jak se spravne flosuji (muj cesky slovnik k tomuto slovu nemel zadny preklad..divne) zuby!

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21 comments… add one
  • alena October 14, 2009, 8:59 am

    Haha, nedavno jsem navstivila sveho stareho zubare v Cechach a zase mi vrtal bez umrtveni. Pak mi tam chtel nacpat ohyzdnou “stribrnou” plombu.

  • Lucka October 14, 2009, 9:24 am

    Mela jsem uz hodne Americkych zubaru a moc nadsena z nich tedy nejsem, asi bych byla, kdybych byla precitlivela, hystericka americanka, ktera chce prasky, injekce a celkove umrtveni na kazdou blbinu. Clovek se v USA musi informovat a byt proaktivni. Moje dcera napr. mela mit velkou plombu a oni ji chteli dat celkovou narkozu – blazni. Rozhodla jsem, ze ji umrtvi jen ten zub a bylo to. Zubare se neboji, traumatizovana taky nebyla. Nic se nema prehanet.

  • Tanja October 14, 2009, 11:19 am

    Coze??? Oni jeste vrtaji bez narkozy???? To jsem nevedela.

    Jinak,Lucko, s tou celkovou narkozou to je sila. No proste jsme svedky dvou extremu.

  • Andrea October 14, 2009, 8:53 pm

    No tak teda, me zubarska pece v ceskoslovensku privodila fobii na zubare…muj manzel mi neveril, kdyz me poprve vzal k zubari v americe, ale kdyz jsem se posleze zvedla z kresla a pode mnou byla velka louze potu (po uplne rutinni prohlidce, jak se rika, nic me nedelali), pochopil, ze jsem si nedelala srandu. takze zubare v USA uplne zboznuju, to prostredi, “gas” i pilulky, ktery me totalne uspi.

  • Tanja October 14, 2009, 9:35 pm

    Ahoj Andreo, a co mas ty za spatne zkusenosti?

  • Vlastimil October 15, 2009, 5:58 am

    Ja v Cesku nemel problemy se zubari….Vzdy, kdyz me vrtali zubi, tak jsem si predstavoval, ze me esesaci vyslychaji a ja jsem ten partyzan….Ja vzdy vyhral a pak me osvobodila Ruda armada….

  • Vlastimil October 15, 2009, 6:00 am

    I have to say, it is not easy to find a really good dentist..Most of them are not better then those in communist CSSR…The only advantache is, they will give you something to make you teeth and gums numb and yhen they will destroy your teeth without you even knowing it..
    I have a good dentist, but when he dies, I have to die too…

  • Vlastimil October 15, 2009, 6:02 am

    I am not awake yet….the advantache should be of course advantage

  • Andrea October 15, 2009, 10:00 am

    Tano, ja jsem se asi odjakziva bala zubare, ten zacatek me fobie si nepamatuju. jenom vim, ze me jednou vytrhli omylem zdrvej zub a jednou mi zas v tom zapalu vrtani provrtala zubarka zuby. kdyz jsem pak byla na stredni, chodila jsem k jine zubarce, nez te skolni, coz bylo mnohem lepsi. pak v dospelosti jsem chodila na soukromou kliniku…sestricka si tam s panem doktorem vzdycky celou dobu vykladala, a to bylo super, poslouchala jsem je a prestala myslet na zubare. jezis, jenom kdyz ted na zubare pomyslim, dela se mi mdlo. ale tady teda chodim bez problemu, dokonce jsem mela cisteni bez umrtveni :). jojo, i cisteni jsem tady ze zacatku musela mit s umrtvenim. asi si ted vsichni pomysli, ze jsem blazen. holt, nemuzu si pomoct. to si vzdycky rikam, andreo, jsi dospela, vzmuz se, nepanikar…ale moc to nepomaha…

  • Tanja October 15, 2009, 10:16 am

    Vlastimile, mas pravdu, tady ti zase ‘provrtaj’ vsechny zuby – i s tema zdravyma. Ale je to s umrtvenim!!!! To je to nejdulezitejsi…

    Andreo – nic si z toho nedelej, ja to mam takhle s injekcema. Taky mam z detstvi jednu ‘stavnatou’ prihodu, ktera tomu nepomohla. Takze kdyz ted jdu na krev, fakt se ze me stane 7mi lety ufnukany dite; dokonce mi jednou dali i nalepku!!!!

  • pavla October 16, 2009, 10:47 pm

    Ja take nemam moc dobre zkusenosti z ceskymi zubari.
    V 10 jsem si vyrazila 2 predni zuby a vsechny upravy mi delali bez jakeho koliv umrtveni – takze od te doby mam ze zubaru opravdu hruzu.
    A ted u jednoho paradoxne pracuji.
    Uz mi delal nejake plomby a i jednu korunku a musim rici , ze to uplne jiny zazitek, nejen ze jsem nic necitila ale byla jsem s jeho praci mnohem spokojenejsi.
    Nerekla bych, ze jsou tady zubari stejni jako v Cechach.
    Co jsem se za poslednich par let u nej naucila je ze musi clovek vedet kam jit.
    HMO zubari a Western dental – nechodit, tam dopadnete jako v Cechach za komunismu.

  • Tanja October 16, 2009, 11:12 pm

    No,Pavlo my mame prave HMO (PPO is nemuzeme dovolit) a je to fakt sila :(((

  • Vlastimil October 17, 2009, 6:22 am

    Byly doby, kdy jsem nemel zadne pojisteni, a vzdy, kdyz jsem sel k zubari, hezky jsem se oblekl (vymenil jsem si tricko a ponozky( a pak jim rekl, aby mi poslali invoice,,, No a pak cekali na sve penize tri roky ….
    Chcs s vlky ziti, musis sam se vlkem stat :))

  • Kimmie October 23, 2009, 10:07 am

    Wow!! I’m glad you wrote about this Tanja. Since I was in Czech for 2 1/2 years I had to make a visit there for a root canal. My husband and I wanted a checkup. The exam involved only looking around and checking each tooth. My husband asked for x-rays for the both of us. The dentist stated every 5 years they do them. Well, I we returned here and had a checkup. We had to have a deep cleaning and x-rays. I found out I have 11 cavities!!! Eleven!!! They wouldn’t have gotten so bad if the Dentist in Czech would have done the x-rays. Plus it is so expensive to have them fixed here…Nice to see you again Tanja!! Its been a while.

  • Tanja October 23, 2009, 3:41 pm

    11 cavities!!!! That’s just CRAZY!! Sometimes it’s good to get another opinion so that you know they are not trying to make money off of you.

  • Jamie October 24, 2009, 6:21 am

    I didn’t go to the dentist at all during the three years I lived in the CR (1991-94), because I saw so many teenagers with missing teeth. I concluded that dentists had been yanking them instead of fixing them. However, I have to say that where I lived several dentists got trained in modern dentistry as soon as they could, and I heard they were very good.
    I was extremely afraid to go to the dentist once I got back home to the US, thinking I’d have a million cavities, but my teeth were fine. My US dentist attributed this to the water in Mariánské Lázně, saying that people who live in mineral spas tend to have fewer dental problems, due to the mineral water.
    Having grown up in the US and generally seeing the dentist twice a year for decades, I have had local anesthetic only a handful of times in my life. In fact, my current dentist once prepped me for a crown without anesthetic. I prefer a couple minutes of sharp pain to a few hours of numbness, so the dentist only gives it to me when he knows the pain is really going to be horrible.

  • Kimmie October 24, 2009, 11:10 am

    Ahoj Tanja!!! Thats what I’m doing!! I hope the dentist is wrong…She’s a little money hungry as well!!

  • Eva March 24, 2010, 9:15 am

    Ja si nemuzu na ceske zubare stezovat, ale je mozne, ze jsem mela stesti a take ze pulka me rodiny byli zubari (jak mas mit fobie ze sve tety). Pripada mi zbytecne umrtvovat ci davat narkozu pro bezne zakroky, i vyvrtani zubu prece neni tak hrozne. Odmitam ji a vsichni na me (v USA) koukaji jak zjara 🙂 Jednou jsem mela umrtveni a pak jsem si pripadala jako zombie cely den (not to mention the drooling). Ale teeth cleaning jsem v Cesku v teto forme opravdu nemela, maximalne trosinku oskrabat zubni kamen na par zubech, tady to delaji poctive a je to potreba.

  • Eva March 24, 2010, 9:17 am

    Jeste dobra historka z Texasu od meho muze. Uprostred vrtani vse zcernalo. Pani zubarka zapomnela zaplatit elektriku a prave ji byla odpojena. Nabidla mu, ze to dodela pri svitu svicky (nema v ordinaci okna). Coz tedy odmitl a uz tam nikdy nesel. Hlavne ze ale zaplatila splatku na luxusni auto, ze ano.

  • Tanja March 24, 2010, 3:40 pm

    Haha no to je sranda – to jsem jeste neslysela :))

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