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Czechs not ready for Euro / Cesi nejsou dostatecne pripraveni na Euro

Euro yahoo image Every 2 years the EU commission assesses the situation of those countries of EU which in the future are planning to use the Euro currency system. The criteria range anywhere from the proper rate of inflation, share quotations to the rate of interest and other financial measurements. The Czech Republic for example does not fulfill the required inflation rate (in 12 months the IR = 4.4% with the EU limit being as low as 3.2%). Besides the CR other European countries such as Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Sweden, were going through a similar scrutinizing investigation. Slovakia came out with an A+ and will be ready to start using Euro as early as in January of 2009. The Czech crown is doing so well these days however that the Czechs are in no rush to begin using the “fancy” Euro system.

CZ: Kazde dva roky tzv. konvergencni zprava zjistuje, zda-li kazda zeme EU, ktera souhlasila s prijetim Eura, splnuje patricna kriteria. Tyto podminky sleduji jak miry inflace a kurzu, take deficit rozpoctu, verejnych financi, rozsah verejneho dluhu a dlouhodobou urokovou miru. Cesko na priklad neslplnuje zminenou inflacni podminku, kde prumerna inflace za poslednich 12-ti mesicu cinila 4,4%, coz je o 1,2% vice, nez EU norma dovoluje. Krome Ceska se podobne take hodnotilo 9 dalsich statu a to na priklad Slovensko,Madarsko, Polsko, Bulharsko, Rumunsko a Svedsko. Slovenso vyslo z testovani s jednickou – je totiz pripravene prijmout Euro jiz v lednu pristiho roku. Je ale nutne podotknout, ze Ceska koruna si nyni vede tak dobre, ze na zavedeni Eura vubec pospichat nemusi.


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