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Czech Republic rates as one of the safest EU countries / Cechy jsou jednim z nejbezpecnejsich EU statu

thief yahoo imageAccording to the Eurostat‘s new statistical data the Czech Republic rates as one of the safest countries of the European Union. Surprisingly, the most dangerous EU states are:

  • Sweden
  • Belgium
  • Great Britain

Only every 30th Czech is predicted to commit a crime, whereas every 7th Swedish person has a high probability of joining the “dark side”. Slovakia is doing even better then the Czech Republic, where only every 37th citizen is to be looked out for. It is not only the Czech Republic and Slovakia that can brag about the low number of crimes, but proud can also be the other countries of the former communist bloc. There is a little catch, however. The fact that one has low number of crimes doesn’t really tell you what kind of crimes they are or how brutal they get: did some steal your bike or was your neighbor actually murdered? Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Estonia are also rated as one of the “safe” countries but have the highest number of murders (Estonia rating no.1)!

These surprising data could be then skewed by several factors such as the different judiciary systems within the various EU countries, the work (0r no work) of the police and also if the citizens are willing to report those crimes.

CZ: Podle agentury Eurostat je Ceska Republika jednou z nejbezpecnejsich zemich Evropske unie, kde kazdy 30. obcan spacha trestny cin . Nejnebezpecnjesi staty je prekvapive Svedsko (kazdy 7.obcan se dopusti tresnteho cinu), Belgie a Velka Britanie. Slovensko si vede dokonce i lepe nez Cesi, kde pouze kazdy 37. obcan je zlocinec. Nizkym poctem trestnych cinu se muzou vytahovat take dalsi zeme byvaleho vychodniho bloku, jako je Bulharsko nebo Rumunsko. Je v tom ale mensi zadrhel: to ze tyto zeme maji nizky pocet trestnych cinu vam ale vubec nerekne, jake tyto ciny vubec byly. Ukradl vam nekdo kapesnik? Nebo vam naopak nekdo zavrazdil soudeda?? Z tohoto hlediska si “nejlepe” vede Rumunsko, Litva, Bulharsko a hlavne Estonsko, ktere maji nejvetsi pocet vrazd.

Tyto prekvapive vysledky by tedy mohly byt zkreslene nekolika faktory, jako jsou odlisne justicni sytemy, prace (nebo ne-prace) policie a ochota obcanu tresne ciny nahlasit.



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