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So her name will be Prague Hilton?? / Jak ze se bude jmenovat? Praha Hiltonova???

Paris google imageThe notorious party celebrity,Paris Hilton, is arriving to Prague on Sunday. No, the purpose of her visit is not to check on the Prague-based Hilton hotel and see if all of the toilet paper is well stocked in the bathrooms. She is actually coming as a groupie! She is escorting her current boyfriend, Benjim Madden, whose band the Good Charlotte is going to be performing in Prague on Monday. That is not all, however. According to the very “trusted” source, the German gossip magazine Bild, Paris wants to conceive her first child with this guy AND on this tour. AND(!!) he (or she) is supposed to be named after the city the child was born in. So, let me get this straight: would it be Prague Hilton then? Or Praha Hilton? Or Budapest Hilton??? I sure hope they are not going to visit any other less “name-friendly ” cities like Minks (Minks Hilton?) or Leipzig (Leipzig Hilton??) or our Olomouc (Olomouc Hilton???)….

CZ: Proslula parbova hvezda Paris Hilton se v nedeli chysta do Prahy. Ucel navstevy neni, aby zkontrolovala zasoby toaletniho papiru na zachodcich jejiho prazskeho hotelu Hilton. Prijizdi jako pouhy doprovod zpevaka Benjima Maddena, jehoz skupina Good Charlotte bude v pondeli v Praze vystupovat. To ale neni vse. Podle znameho bulvarniho nemeckeho casopisu Build chce pry Paris s Maddenem splodit potomka, a to behem tohoto evropskeho turne. Potomek bude pry pojmenovany podle mesta, ve kterem se narodi. Tak ze by to byla Praha Hiltonova? Anebo Budapest Hiltonova (parek se take chysta navstivit Budapest)? Ja jen doufam, ze se nehodlaji navstivit “horsi” mesta jako Minks (Minsk Hiltonova?), Leipzig (Leipzig Hiltonova??) anebo nas Olomouc (Olomouc Hiltonova???)….


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4 comments… add one
  • Wendolene March 30, 2008, 11:28 pm

    Jak se muzete docist, Praha moc Paris nenadchla, zvlast pote , co utikala pred novinari a spadla. Ma rozbitou bradu…TAkze do Prahy uz asi dost dlouho nepojede.

  • Tanja March 31, 2008, 4:07 pm

    No to je ale trdlo…a to ji ti novinari opravdu tak nebojacne pronasledovali?
    Did the paparazzi really chase her down the street that hard that she had to fall???

  • Tanja April 5, 2008, 3:07 am

    I am not sure if you guys are keeping up with the very important “Paris news” but while she was visiting Prague, she fell and bruised her chin while she was running away from the Paparazzi!!

  • Tanja April 5, 2008, 3:08 am

    Uuupps, someone already wrote about it…and I responded to it…I have a very short-term memory as you can see..

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