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Czech Easter traditions / Ceske Velikonoce a jejich zvyky

pomlazka image/google imageWould you like to know what are the cool traditions of Czech Easter (for the not-so-cool Easter traditions click here)? Or maybe you are Czech but would like to “brush up” on those customs? For example, could you explain your fellow neighbor what are:

  • rehtacka
  • pomlazka
  • Skareda streda (??)

If you had no problems with those terms, then you are in a good shape. If not, you can refresh your knowledge of Czech Easter here.

CZ: Jake jsou vubec tradicni zvyky ceskych Velikonoc? Co je to vlastne ta rehtacka, z ceho je vyrobena pomlazka, a odkud prisla Skareda streda? Kroutite nad temito otazkami hlavou?? Nebojte se, vase vedomosti si muzete osvezit zde.

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