The 170-million dollar action movie, GI JOE, is gong to be filmed in the Barrandov film studios (Prague). The story takes place in Europe, where the special secret unit known as G.I.J.O.E. is trying to stop bunch of gun-smugglers (what a bore!!). The movie stars the former fashion model Channing Tatum as well as the British actress Sienna Miller. GI JOE is still on a waiting list though, since Barrandov is now being used for filming yet another American movie, the Salamon Kane. That movie features stars such as James Purefoy, Max von Sydow as well as the Czech actor Marek Vasut. What other movies has Barandov in its irresistible “resume”?
- Babylon A.D. (Van Diesel movie)
- both Chronicles of Narnia
- Casino Royal (the 007 agent James Bond movie)
- Harts War (Bruce Willis movie)
- Tristan and Isolde (great movie!)
- The Bourne Identity
- Bad company
CZ: Nadchazejici americky akcni film GI JOE, jehoz produkce ma stat kolem 170 milionu dolaru (2,9 miliardy korun), se bude natacet v prazskem Barrandovskem studiu. Pribeh se odehrava v Evrope, kde se specialni jednotka – znama pod jmenem J.I.J.O.E. – snazi zastavit pasovaky zbrani (nuda!!). JI JOE si ale bude muset chvilku pockat ve fronte, ponevadz barrandovske studio je nyni obsazene jinou filmovou skupinou, a to stabem od snimku Salamona Kaneho, kde si mimochodem zahraje roli take nas Marek Vasut. Slavna Barrandovska studia maji na svem oslnujicim “resume” take dalsi americke trhaky a to:
- Babylon A.D. ( s Van Dieselem)
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
- Casino Royal (the 007 agent James Bond)
- Harts War (Bruce Willis movie)
- Tristan and Isolde (doporucuji!)
- The Bourne Identity
- Bad company
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