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Deaths are down, rudeness is up / Pocet umrti se snizuje, doktori jsou stale neprijemni

red cross yahoo imageThe number one deadly diseases such as cancer and coronary illnesses are still a acting out int the Czech Republic but the number of patients dying from them has been decreasing. That’s because the prevention care as well as the quality of medical treatments have greatly improved. The heart surgeries are now available to all people in need, they simply just have to call the hospital in time. The Czech cardiological community also treats the Slovak patients since Slovakia has only 2 Cardiology centrers in the country where as the Czech Republic has 33 of them. The number of transplantations of the heart increased from 34 (in 1993) to 57 (in 2006). Since 2003 the doctors also use the so-called “mechanical heart” which has decreased the heart-related deaths to 1/3 (people don’t have to wait for their donor anymore). What remains to be a problem? The inappropriate way the actual doctors treat their patients.

On average the survival rate increased for both sexes in last 12 years. Women’s age increased from 69.9 years (1994) to 80 years (2006). Men now live until 73 years of age (2006) compared to 69.9 years in 1994.

CZ: Nemoci jako je rakovina nebo srdecni choroby jsou stale zabijaci cislo jedna, ale umrtnost na ne klesa a to diky novym preventivnim programum a lekarskym metodam (screening rakoviny prsu). Kardiologicke zakroky jsou pry dostupne vsem lidem, kteri vcas nemocnici zavolaji. Osetruji se i slovensti pacienti a to proto ze Slovensko ma pouze 3 kardiologicka centra. Pocty transplantaci srdce se zvysily z 34 (1993) na 57 (2006). Od roku 2003 lekari take pouzivaji tzv. mechanicke srdce; do te doby umirala tretina pacientu na cekaci listine.Co je ale stale problem? Lekari neumeji spravne komunikovat s pacienty.

Celkove se doziti zen zvysilo z roku 1994 z 76,6 let na 80 let (2206) a muzu z 69,9 (1994) na 73 let.


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