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Attention class!!! / Trido poooozor!!!!

teacher image / fun2video.comNot so long ago I decided to become a teacher. I have a degree in Biology and although I find that subject very interesting I had realized that working in the lab was just way too boring for me. You see, when I came to the US I wanted to study acting. But then I found the people in my class superficial, plus I get really red on the stage (performing anxiety). So acting was out. Fortunately, I have always liked math and sciences as well so I decided to pursue that for the rest of my school days.

After graduating I worked some time for a pharmaceutical company as a research assistant and I found it very isolating. But then I become a mom and life wasn’t isolating anymore since I was never alone :). After some years of staying home with my girls (which I love) it is time for me to slowly start getting ready for the ‘real’ world again. I decided to be a teacher because now that I have kids I realized I really like them (I mean all the kids – not just mine) and the kids like me!

Not sure if you have the same experience, but if you grow up as the youngest child you never get the opportunity to baby anyone, to take care of any younger human being. You grow up not knowing how to behave around the younger kiddos. I was too shy (or too cool?) to play with them so we never developed a relationship…..until I had my own kids and  started attending different playgroups. Low and behold – all of those babies were all of a sudden so cute to me!

When my older daughter started going to school, I began to volunteer in her class, began to teach Czech classes and kind of found myself. I think kids like me because I am strict but I can be fun too.

So anyhow, I have been getting ready for CSET for multiple subjects which means that I have to pass 3 exams including just about any information under the sun (history, linguistics, sciences, sociology,….you name it).  After realizing what I have to go through I have way more respect for the teachers here. They are true Renaissance human beings – having overall knowledge about everything (well, they probably forgot 75 percent of it already, but still…).

Right now I am studying the world and American history and cannot put the books down. Truly, one appreciates knowledge way more with age. Too bad there is a negative correlation relationship between age and knowledge. The older you get, the more you want to know but the less you remember.

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1 comment… add one
  • Jamie July 3, 2014, 10:46 am

    The most important thing about this post to me is the picture of the owl that you included. In the week before I started teaching high school in CZ, I met some of the local teachers. I got a huge crush on a Russian and history teacher who I thought was a very beautiful woman with a sweet personality.

    Before the middle of the school year, I thought this woman looked and acted like a witch.

    Then summer goes by, we all meet before the semester starts, and this teacher seems beautiful and sweet to me again, only to transform back into a witch around mid-year.

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