The Olympic Games 2014 were super successful not only for the Russians but also for the Czechs. The hosting nation got the biggest number of medals (33 total) which is amazing. But what is even more amazing is that the Czechs received 8 medals, which puts them on the 15th place, right behind Sweden.
- 2 gold medals – snowboarding and speed skating
- 4 Silver medal – speed skating, biathlon
- 2 Bronze medals – biathlon
If you play around with some simple statistics and calculate how many citizens of each country are there per medal you find out that the Czech Republic is on the 9th place, way above the Russians (14th place)!!! Seriously, there are way more people in Russia than in the Czech Republic….just saying.
Unfortunately, Slovakia won only one medal but it was made out of gold :).
CZ: Cesi na Olympickych Hrach v Soci opravdu zavaleli! Nejenze vyhrali 15. misto s 8 medailemi, ale kdyz se trosku pustite do lehkych statistickych prepoctu zjistite, ze v prepoctu na pocet obyvatel vlastne ziskalo 9.misto. Jelikoz Rusko ma mnohem vic obyvatel, vlastne ziskalo misto ctrnacte…..sorac!
Slovaci tentokrat vyhrali bohuzel jen jednu medajli, ale alespon byla zlata.
Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/cesi-obsadili-v-soci-s-rekordni-bilanci-15-misto-v-poradi-zemi/1046999&id_seznam=
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