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Czechs/Slovaks making history in curing cancer? / Cesi/Slovaci zapsani do historie lecby rakoviny?

Have you seen that latest news on the possible cure of pancreatic cancer? Supposedly something simple as a common cold virus is killing those cancer cells like nobody’s business.

What is interesting is that one of those important patiens that the vaccine is being tried on is named Jan Urbanick. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Maybe a Czech or Slovak name?

When you watch the Fox video on it you come to finding out that “Jan” is actually a female. But still, she must have some CS roots?! What do you think? Wouldn’t that be cool if she was one of the first cured people with this new method?

Here is the article for you to read (click here).


And here is the video for you to watch in order to get a clear picture of what this super-virus can do!

CZ: Slyseli jste jiz tu nejnovejsi zpravu o leceni pankreaticke rakoviny? Vypada to tak, ze odpoved se nachazi v prostem viru, ktery zpusobuje kazdodenni nachlazeni. Jednim z prvnich pacientu, kteri tuto novou lecbu absolvuji se jmenuje Jan Urbanick. Nepripada vam to jako velmi ceske/slovenske jmeno?? Az si prectete ten clanek a shlednete jeho video, zjistite, ze je to pani a ne pan. Ale stejne, urcite ma CS predky!!! Nebylo by to neco, kdyby nekdo ‘od nas’ byl soucasti prukopnicke historie lecby rakoviny?!

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