In case you want a recipe on how to make a Czech person really angry, Matador network blog has a post on just that topic – it’s called ‘How to piss off a Czech’. The writer lists 12 points that should make you successful in your task. Most of them are right on :).
CZ: Cim namichnete Cecha ze vseho nejvic? Tim, ze se ho cizinec zepta, jestli je ‘from Czechoslovakia’, nebo jestli jste jeden z tech ‘a couple of wild and crazy guys’? Nebo jestli si splete vasi rodnou zem s Cecenskem? Prectete si nasledujici clanek zvany “How to piss of a Czech” a hned budete moudrejsi ;).
The ‘depressed’ point is my favorite one. It’s so true!