Hello everyone! I have had a couple of productive weeks and played with acrylics for the first time. I think I found my favorite media :).
CZ: Ahoj vsichni! Obcas se stane, ze se take dostanu k malovani a tentokrat jsem to zkusila poprve s temperami. Myslim, ze to ted bude me oblibene medium :).
Each painting is 11 inches by 14 inches and looks very good just the way it is so there is no need to frame it. The price of each piece is $60.00 plus $7.00 for shipping and handling. If you are interested in purchasing one of them please contact me here (click here).
Moc hezke Tanyo. Je ta zima z obrazku i citit! XO
Mimochodem, to není tempera, leda by acrylics byl naopak překlad z češtiny… Ten první se mi líbí nejvíc, mám slabost pro obyčejnou českou krajinu. 😀